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Returns the literal string 'pong'.

Triggers a beep on a connected Reader and returns the Reader information or an error if unable to ping the device.
  • readerId: ID!

The currently authenticated viewer.

The client-side environment and payment method configuration.

Fetch any object that extends the Node interface using its ID.

Get a GraphQL ID from a legacy ID that was returned from an SDK or a legacyId field. Does not verify existence except for payment methods.

A collection of the available reports. Each field on the `Report` type is a different report that can be queried with its own input parameters.

Retrieve PayPal financing options that include payment installment plans.

Retrieve a paginated list of all in-store locations.


Authorize an eligible payment method and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Authorize an eligible PayPal account and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Authorize an eligible Venmo account and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Authorize a credit card of any origin and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Capture an authorized transaction and return a payload that includes details of the transaction.

Charge any payment method and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Charge a US bank account and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction. See for information on eligibility and setup.

Charge a PayPal account and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Charge a Venmo account and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction. See for information on eligibility and setup.

Charge a credit card of any origin and return a payload that includes details of the resulting transaction.

Vault payment information from a single-use payment method and return a payload that includes a new multi-use payment method. When vaulting a credit card, by default, this mutation will also verify that card before vaulting.

Vault payment information from a single-use US bank account payment method and return a payload that includes a new multi-use payment method.

Vault payment information from a single-use credit card and return a payload that includes a new multi-use payment method. By default, this mutation will also verify the card before vaulting.

Refund a settled transaction and return a payload that includes details of the refund.

Reverse a transaction and return a payload that includes either the voided transaction or a refund.

Reverse a refund and return a payload that includes voided refund.

Create a detached refund (unassociated with any previous Braintree payment) to a credit card and return a payload that includes details of the refund. We have previously referred to this as issuing a "detached credit," and it is disallowed by default. See the [documentation]( for more information regarding eligibility and configuration.

Create a detached refund (unassociated with any previous Braintree payment) to a US Bank Account and return a payload that includes details of the refund. We have previously referred to this as issuing a "detached credit," and it is disallowed by default. See the [documentation]( for more information regarding eligibility and configuration.

Update custom fields on a transaction or refund. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel](

Run a verification on a multi-use payment method.

Run a verification on a multi-use credit card payment method.

Run a verification on a multi-use US bank account payment method.

Confirm micro-transfer amounts initiated by vaultUsBankAccount or verifyUsBankAccount, completing the verification process for a US Bank Account via micro-transfer.

Delete a multi-use payment method from the vault.

Create a client token that can be used to initialize a client in order to tokenize payment information.

Create a PayPal access token that can be used to make additional API calls or initialize a client.

Partially capture funds from a transaction that was successfully authorized and return a payload that includes a new transaction with information about the capture. This is available for [Venmo]( and [PayPal]( transactions.

Tokenize Custom Actions fields and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize credit card fields and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize a credit card's CVV and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize a network tokenized payment instrument and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize Samsung Pay card fields and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize US bank account fields and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Tokenize PayPal One-Time Payment and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Set up a PayPal One-Time Payment for approval by a PayPal user. See [documentation]( for more information. Your account must be enabled for this feature.

Tokenize PayPal account and return a payload that includes a single-use payment method.

Set up a PayPal Billing Agreement Token for approval by a PayPal user.

Create a customer for storing individual customer information and/or grouping transactions and multi-use payment methods.

Update a customer's information.

Delete a customer, breaking association between any of the customer's transactions. Will not delete if the customer has existing payment methods.

Set a new billing address for a multi-use credit card payment method. By default, this mutation will also verify the card with the new billing address before updating.

Set a new cardholder name for a multi-use credit card payment method. By default, this mutation will also verify the card with the new cardholder name before updating.

Set a new expiration date for a multi-use credit card payment method. By default, this mutation will also verify the card with the new expiration date before updating.

Attempt to perform 3D Secure Authentication on credit card payment method. This may consume the payment method and return a new single-use payment method.

Accepts a dispute and returns a payload that includes the dispute that was accepted. Only disputes with a status of OPEN can be accepted.

Finalizes a dispute and returns a payload that includes the dispute that was finalized. Only disputes with a status of OPEN can be finalized.

Creates text evidence to a dispute and returns a payload that includes the evidence that was created. Only disputes with a status of OPEN can have text evidence created for them.

Deletes evidence from a dispute.

Uploads an evidence file and associates it with a dispute. **Note:**: file upload requires a special request format. See the ['Uploading Files' integration guide]( for instructions on how to perform this mutation.

Vault an existing PayPal Billing Agreement that was not created through Braintree. Only use this mutation if you need to import PayPal Billing Agreements from an existing PayPal integration into your Braintree account.

Force a transaction to settle in the sandbox environment. Generates an error elsewhere.

Creates a new In-Store Location to associate Readers.

Pairs a Reader to an account and In-Store Location.

Updates an In-Store Reader.

Creates a schedule to request firmware updates on In-Store Readers.

Request an in-store reader to begin the charge flow.

Request an in-store reader to begin the authorize flow. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.1.0.

Request an in-store reader to cancel the charge flow.

Request an in-store reader to start an unreferenced refund flow.

Request an in-store reader to vault a payment method.

Request an in-store reader to display line items.

Request an in-store reader to update to the latest version of software.

Request an in-store reader to display a signature prompt. Only supported on payment application versions >= 3.3.0.

Request an in-store reader to display a confirmation prompt. Only supported on payment application versions >= 3.3.0.

Request an in-store reader to collect non [PCI-scoped]( card data. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.

Request an in-store reader to display an amount prompt. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.

Request an in-store reader to display a multi-choice single-select prompt. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.4.0.

Request an in-store reader to display a text prompt. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.

Request an in-store reader to print content. Only supported on the Verifone V400m device using payment application version >= 5.5.0.

Updates the authorization amount of the transaction.

Generate a customized currency exchange rate quote for items on a merchant's page. This allows merchants to advertise products in their customer's currency. Your account must be enabled to use this feature.

Creates a non-instant local payment context. Your account must be enabled to use this feature.

Create an OAuth client secret. To call this mutation you must obtain an OAuth Access Token with scope MANAGE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETS, the associated merchant must have [IP or hostname restrictions]( enabled and you must send your request from a host that is allowed by the merchant's allowed hosts list.

Disable an OAuth client secret. To call this mutation you must obtain an OAuth Access Token with scope MANAGE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETS, the associated merchant must have [IP or hostname restrictions]( enabled and you must send your request from a host that is allowed by the merchant's allowed hosts list.

Delete a disabled OAuth client secret. To call this mutation you must obtain an OAuth Access Token with scope MANAGE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETS, the associated merchant must have [IP or hostname restrictions]( enabled and you must send your request from a host that is allowed by the merchant's allowed hosts list.

Enable product for calling merchant.

Creates a package tracker record for Pay with PayPal transactions. Your account must be enabled to use this feature.

Create a request for access to a specified product.


Evidence provided by a merchant to respond to a dispute.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the evidence was created with Braintree.
  • sentToProcessorAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the evidence was sent to the processor.
  • category: DisputeEvidenceCategory
    The evidence category.

Additional information about the payment method supplied by an in-store payment reader.
  • authorizationMode: InStoreReaderAuthorizationMode
    The authorization mode used to perform the transaction on the payment reader.
  • pinVerified: Boolean
    An indicator for whether the transaction was verified via pin.
  • inputMode: PaymentReaderInputMode
    The input mode used on the payment reader to facilitate an in-store transaction.
  • terminalId: String
    The ID of the terminal that was processed this transaction.

A merchant-initiated movement of money between the merchant and a customer, by way of a payment method. Payments can represent money moving either from a customer to the merchant by charging a payment method (a Transaction), or from the merchant back to a customer by refunding a previous transaction (a Refund).
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the payment was created.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount charged or credited to the payment method. Note that in the case of a Transaction, this amount will represent the amount moving from the customer to the merchant, and in the case of a Refund, will represent the amount moving from the merchant back to the customer.
  • orderId: String
    The order ID.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The current status of this payment.
  • statusHistory: [PaymentStatusEvent!]
    The records of all statuses this payment has passed through, with additional information on why each status occurred. Returned in reverse chronological order, with the most recent event first in the list.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    The ID of the merchant account that processed this payment.
  • source: PaymentSource
    How the payment was created.
  • paymentMethodSnapshot: PaymentMethodSnapshot
    Snapshot of payment method details used to create the payment, preserved at the time the transaction was created. This will always be present.

Context associated with a transaction.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was created.
  • updatedAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was updated.

Status event in the [lifecycle of a payment](
  • status: PaymentStatus
    New status of the payment.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the status event occurred.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The payment amount applicable to the status. For instance, the amount when a transaction is `SUBMITTED_FOR_SETTLEMENT` might be less than the amount for which it was `AUTHORIZED`.
  • source: PaymentSource
    Source that caused the status event to occur.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether this is the final state for the payment. If false, this transaction will pass into another subsequent state.


A NACHA standard entry class (SEC) code, which designates how an ACH transaction was authorized.
enum values:
  • CCD
    Corporate credit or debit.
  • PPD
    Prearranged payment and deposit.
  • TEL
  • WEB

The authentication context class reference that indcates how a universal access token can be used.
enum values:

The status of the business account creation request.
enum values:

Response codes for name verification if the processor supports the account information inquiry.
enum values:

The environment being used for Apple Pay.
enum values:
  • MOCK
  • OFF
  • mock
  • off
  • production

The purpose of the merchant application bank account.
enum values:

The status of a merchant account application.
enum values:

Response codes from the processing bank's Address Verification System (AVS) and CVV verification.
enum values:
    AVS or CVV checks were skipped via the API.

A boolean-like value that includes `UNKNOWN` in the case where the information isn't available.
enum values:
  • NO
  • YES
  • No
  • Unknown
  • Yes

The type of the business.
enum values:

The type of account to be used when transacting with a combo card.
enum values:

A list of challenges that are required by the current merchant to process a given credit card.
enum values:
  • CVV
  • cvv
  • postal_code

The chargeback protection level indicates the transaction or dispute's protection status.
enum values:
    The transaction or dispute is protected by the effortless chargeback protection product.
    The merchant has not enrolled any chargeback protection products, or the merchant is registered, but the transaction or dispute is not protected.
    The transaction or dispute is protected by the standard chargeback protection product.

The client configuration environment being used.
enum values:
  • QA
  • TEST
  • development
  • production
  • qa
  • sandbox
  • test

A value used by Braintree client SDKs to determine what operations are supported through this GraphQL API.
enum values:
  • tokenize_credit_cards

The status of a micro-transfer amount confirmation.
enum values:

A code identifying the card brand.
enum values:
  • CITI
  • ELO
  • JCB
  • SOLO
  • VISA
  • american_express
  • citi
  • diners
  • discover
  • elo
  • hiper
  • hipercard
  • international_maestro
  • jcb
  • mastercard
  • solo
  • switch
  • uk_maestro
  • union_pay
  • unknown
  • visa

The location of customer in the transaction.
enum values:
  • US

A value indicating when to perform further customer authentication.
enum values:
    Indicates further authentication is optional.
    Indicates further authentication should be performed.
    Customer authentication indicator information is unavailable at this time.

The customer authentication regulation environment that applies to the transaction, such as [PSD2](
enum values:
    EU Regulation [PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication]( applies to this transaction.
  • RBI
    Reserve Bank of India regulations apply to this transactions.
    Customer authentication regulation environment information is unavailable for this transaction at this time.
    No customer authentication regulations apply to this transaction.

Client the customer used to initiate the transaction.
enum values:

The allowed digits to the right of the decimal point.
enum values:
  • TWO
  • ZERO

The display item type to be displayed on the in-store reader.
enum values:
  • TEXT

The evidence category that specifies which requirement it satisfies.
enum values:

For file evidence: the evidence category that specifies which requirement it satisfies.
enum values:

The Protection level indicates if dispute is eligible for protection through any feature enabled on your account.
enum values:
    The dispute is protected by the standard chargeback protection product.
    The dispute is protected by the effortless chargeback protection product.
    The merchant has not enrolled in any chargeback protection products, or the merchant is enrolled, but the dispute is not protected.

The reason a customer opened a chargeback, pre-arbitration, or retrieval.
enum values:

The status of the dispute.
enum values:
  • LOST
  • OPEN
  • WON

For text evidence: the evidence category that specifies which requirement it satisfies.
enum values:

Type of dispute.
enum values:
    A [second challenge to a charge](, in the case that you have won an initial chargeback.

A credit card's assocation with an external vault.
enum values:
    The payment method for this transaction has been vaulted in an external vault.
    The payment method has not been vaulted in an exernal vault, but it will be if this transaction is successfully processed.

The fraud service provider used to generate the risk decision.
enum values:

Possible reasons why a transaction was rejected by the gateway.
enum values:
  • AVS
  • CVV

The environment being used for Google Pay.
enum values:
  • production
  • sandbox

The type of background style on an in-store reader.
enum values:

Potential statuses of a context created as part of an in-store request.
enum values:
    The request was canceled.
    The requested operation was successfully completed.
    The requested operation failed.
    The request has been sent to the reader and is pending customer or point-of-sale interaction.
    The requested operation is in progress.

The nature or characteristic of a transaction, including whether it is initiated by the merchant or the customer.
enum values:
    Transactions that are initiated by the customer when the final amount of the transaction is not known at the time of authorization. Applicable for InStoreAuthorizationInput only.

The alignment of the content when printed on the in-store reader.
enum values:
  • LEFT

The decoration of the text on an in-store reader.
enum values:

The font style of the text on an in-store reader.
enum values:

The font weight of the text on an in-store reader.
enum values:
  • BOLD

The authorization mode used to perform the transaction.
enum values:
  • CARD

The alignment of the text when displayed on the in-store reader.
enum values:
  • LEFT

The type of text prompt on the in-store reader. If any of the SENSITIVE values are selected, the input characters will be masked on the device display.
enum values:

Additional information about an in-store charge or authorize context status.
enum values:
    The context was completed with a partially authorized transaction. Please note that partial authorizations are only supported on versions >= 5.0.0 of the in-store reader payment application.

The type of additional charge for industry data.
enum values:

The type of cruise travel package.
enum values:
  • CAR

The type of object the legacy ID represents when converting it to a global ID.
enum values:

If enrolled in Effortless Chargeback Protection, and in the event the transaction is disputed, these are the specific conditions under which the responsible party assumes liability for that chargeback.
enum values:

If enrolled in Effortless Chargeback Protection, and in the event the transaction is disputed, these are the possible parties which can assume liability.
enum values:

A value identifying the type of regional payment method.
enum values:
  • BLIK
  • EPS
  • OXXO
  • P24
  • PAYU
  • SEPA

Means by which customers by their bills.
enum values:
  • MAIL
  • WEB

Supported MVV (Merchant Verification Value) programs.
enum values:

Supported MVV (Merchant Verification Value) utility types.
enum values:
  • GAS

Mandate type for SEPA Direct Debit Account.
enum values:

The status of a merchant account. This determines whether the merchant account can be used to create a Payment, and whether funds can continue to flow to the associated bank account.
enum values:
    The merchant account can be used to create transactions and refunds.
    The merchant account is still being set up, and cannot be used to create transactions or refunds yet.
    The merchant account cannot be used to process transactions or refunds.

The source of the network token.
enum values:

A value identifying the type of non-instant regional payment method.
enum values:
  • OXXO

OAuth access token type.
enum values:

The owner's address type.
enum values:
  • HOME

The type of identity number provided for the owner.
enum values:

The owner's phone type.
enum values:
  • HOME

The position that the owner holds in the business.
enum values:

The role that the owner holds in the business.
enum values:

Expected business/pricing model for a billing agreement (Charge Patterns).
enum values:
    Pay after use, non-recurring post-paid, variable amount, irregular.
    On-demand instant payments - non-recurring, pre-paid, variable amount.
    Pay on a fixed date based on usage or consumption after the goods/service is delivered.
    Pay upfront fixed or variable amount on a fixed date before the goods/service is delivered.
    Charge payer when the set amount is reached or monthly billing cycle, whichever comes first, after the goods/service is delivered.
    Charge payer when the set amount is reached or monthly billing cycle, whichever comes first, before the goods/service is delivered.

The environment being used for PayPal.
enum values:
  • LIVE
  • custom
  • live
  • offline

Possible identifiers for credit products provided via PayPal.
enum values:
    Brazil Credit Card Installments.
    Mexico Credit Card Installments.
    United States Credit Card.
    Germany PayPal Credit.
    United Kingdom PayPal Credit.
    United States PayPal Credit.
    France Pay Later.
    Great Britain Pay Later.
    United States Pay Later.
    Germany Pay Upon Invoice.

PayPal Financing option credit type.
enum values:

The intent for PayPal payments.
enum values:
    Merchant will authorize the payment, but the funds will be captured separately.
    Merchant will create a PayPal Order. This validates the transaction without an authorization (i.e. without holding funds). Useful for authorizing and capturing funds up to 90 days after the order has been placed.
  • SALE
    Merchant will authorize and captures funds simultaneously.

The type of landing page to display on the PayPal site for user checkout.
enum values:

The app used to scan an in-store QR code.
enum values:

The method by which the payer wants to receive their items.
enum values:

PayPal User action type.
enum values:

The initiator of the payment. Payment can either be merchant-initiated or customer-initiated.
enum values:
    Transactions that are initiated by the merchant or customer when the final amount of the transaction is not known at the time of authorization.
    Transactions for subsequent installment payments. (e.g. when the customer makes a single large purchase and wants to make payments over time).
    Transactions that represent the first in a series of installment payments. Note: INSTALLMENT and INSTALLMENT_FIRST may only be available in certain regions. If installment transactions are not supported in your region, the transaction will automatically be categorized as recurring.
  • MOTO
    Transactions that are initiated by the customer via the merchant by mail or telephone.
    Transactions that are initiated by the merchant for subsequent recurring payments (e.g. subscriptions with a fixed amount on a predefined schedule).
    Transactions initiated by the customer that represent the first in a series of recurring payments or subscription.
    Transactions that are initiated by the merchant for unscheduled payments that are not recurring on a predefined schedule or amount (e.g. balance top-up).

Initiator of a payment method delete request.
enum values:

A value identifying the third-party origin from which a customer provided their payment method.
enum values:

A value identifying the type of payment method used for a transaction. For certain payment methods such as credit cards, this value also encodes the origin from which a customer provided that payment method.
enum values:

Possible usages for payment methods.
enum values:

The input mode used on the payment reader to facilitate an in-store transaction.
enum values:

The type of a Payment, based primarily on implementing type.
enum values:
    Only use this field if you have processed [detached credits]( The payment is a Refund, and represents a refund of a transaction not processed through your Braintree account.
    The payment is a Refund, and represents a refund of a transaction present in this Braintree account. Unless you have processed any [detached credits](, this type encompasses all refunds.
    The payment is a Transaction.

The origin of a request that created or changed a transaction or refund.
enum values:
  • API

The status of the payment, indicating its success or failure, and where it is in its [lifecycle]( For further details on why any given status occurred, consult the corresponding `PaymentStatusEvent` in the payment's `statusHistory`.
enum values:
    The transaction spent too much time in the `AUTHORIZED` status and was marked as expired. Expiration [time frames]( differ by card type, transaction type, and, in some cases, merchant category.
    The processor authorized the transaction, putting your customer's funds on hold. Your customer may see a pending charge on his or her account. However, before the customer is actually charged and before you receive the funds, you must use the `captureTransaction` mutation. If you do not want to capture the transaction, you should use the `reverseTransaction` mutation to avoid a misuse of authorization fee.
    If a payment remains in a status of `AUTHORIZING`, [contact us for assistance](
    An error occurred when sending the payment to the downstream processor. See the payment's `statusHistory` for the exact error.
    The transaction was [rejected]( based on one or more settings or rules in your Braintree gateway. See the transaction's `statusHistory` to determine which resulted in the decline.
    The processor declined the transaction while attempting to authorize it. See the transaction's `statusHistory` to determine what reason the processor gave for the decline.
    The payment has been settled. For transactions, this means your customer has been charged and the process of disbursing the funds to your bank account has begun. For refunds, it means that the process of disbursing funds back to the customer has begun.
    The transaction was captured partially and will not be submitted to processor for settling. Its child transaction(s) has been successfully captured and will be included in the next settlement batch.
    The processor declined the payment while attempting to capture it. See the payment's `statusHistory` to determine why it wasn't settled. This status is rare, and only certain types of transactions can be affected.
    The transaction has not yet fully settled. This status is rare, and will generally resolve to a status of `SETTLED`. Only certain types of transactions can be affected.
    The payment is in the process of being settled. This is a transitory state, and will resolve to a status of `SETTLED`.
    The payment has been successfully captured, and will be included in the next settlement batch, at which time it will become settled.
    The payment has been voided or canceled. For transactions, this means it's no longer authorized, your customer's funds are no longer on hold, and you can't use the `captureTransaction` mutation on this transaction. For refunds, it means the customer will not receive the funds from the refund.

The pre-dispute program of the dispute.
enum values:
  • NONE
    The dispute does not have a pre-dispute program.
    The dispute is part of the Visa Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) program.

A value identifying whether the authorization for a transaction was requested online or as a deferred authorization.
enum values:

Whether the decline is likely to be temporary or persistent. Can be taken into consideration when determining whether to retry a declined charge.
enum values:
  • HARD
    Hard declines are the result of an error or issue which can't be resolved immediately; the decline is not temporary and subsequent charges on the same payment method will likely not be successful.
  • SOFT
    Soft declines result from a temporary issue and can be retried; subsequent charges on the same payment method may be successful.

Available product names.
enum values:

Product enablement state.
enum values:

Indicates the status of a Reader.
enum values:

The type of recurring payment a transaction represents.
enum values:

Supported refund policies.
enum values:

The risk decision provides further context on how a transaction was scored for risk by Braintree.
enum values:

The environment being used for Samsung Pay.
enum values:

The settlement state when forcing transaction settlement in the sandbox environment.
enum values:

The type of Strong Customer Authentication Exemption.
enum values:

The type of tax identifier.
enum values:
  • BR_CPF

An override field that a merchant can pass in to set the challenge window size to display to the end cardholder. The ACS will reply with content that is formatted appropriately to this window size to allow for the best user experience. The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser window.
enum values:
  • W250_H400
  • W390_H400
  • W500_H600
  • W600_H400

Indicates the delivery timeframe if applicable.
enum values:

Merchant product code.
enum values:
  • FUEL

Indicates the shipping type for the transaction.
enum values:

The 3D Secure authentication status of the card.
enum values:

Indicates the current status of the 3D Secure authentication.
enum values:

Indicates the type of transaction for 3D Secure authentication.
enum values:

Indicates whether the card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program.
enum values:
    Authentication has been bypassed. This status will be returned if you set up bypass rules with CardinalCommerce, and they are triggered.
    There was an error in determining whether the card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program.
  • NO
    The card is not enrolled.
    The DS (directory server) or ACS (access control server) is not available for authentication at the time of the request.
  • YES
    The card is enrolled.

The 3D Secure device channel.
enum values:
  • SDK
    For transactions initiated with Cardinal Mobile SDK.
    For Merchant Initiated or 3RI transactions.

Indicates the shipping method chosen for the transaction in the 3D Secure lookup.
enum values:

The 3D Secure Merchant Initiated Request Type.
enum values:

The 3D Secure Prior Authentication Method.
enum values:

Transaction Installment Adjustment type to indicate the reason for the adjustment.
enum values:

Indicates whether a transaction line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund).
enum values:

Shipping method.
enum values:

The type of UPC(Universal Product Code).
enum values:
  • UPC_2
  • UPC_5
  • UPC_A
  • UPC_B
  • UPC_C
  • UPC_D
  • UPC_E

The ownership type of US Bank Account.
enum values:

The type of US Bank Account.
enum values:

Additional verifications for UsBankAccountVerificationMethod of type Network Check. See our [ACH guide](
enum values:
    Additional verification via customer information.

The type of verification on a US bank account payment method. See our [ACH guide](
enum values:
    Verification conducted independently by the merchant, not through Braintree.
    Verification by micro-deposits transferred to the bank account, which the customer must then confirm. The most reliable method, but takes additional time.
    Verification via account information. Will complete the verification process immediately, but is not supported by all banks.
    Verification at the point of tokenization. Requires integration with a third-party provider. Because this requires a different tokenization flow, this method of verification is only supported for vaulting tokenized US bank account logins, and is not supported when re-verifying a US bank account payment method.

A two-letter code representing a US state or territory.
enum values:
  • AK
  • AL
  • AR
  • AS
  • AZ
  • CA
  • CO
  • CT
  • DC
  • DE
  • FL
  • GA
  • GU
  • HI
  • IA
  • ID
  • IL
  • IN
  • KS
  • KY
  • LA
  • MA
  • MD
  • ME
  • MI
  • MN
  • MO
  • MP
  • MS
  • MT
  • NC
  • ND
  • NE
  • NH
  • NJ
  • NM
  • NV
  • NY
  • OH
  • OK
  • OR
  • PA
  • PR
  • RI
  • SC
  • SD
  • TN
  • TX
  • UM
  • UT
  • VA
  • VI
  • VT
  • WA
  • WI
  • WV
  • WY

The status of the user.
enum values:

Defines criteria for vaulting a single-use payment method after transacting with it.
enum values:
    Always store the single-use payment method after transacting, regardless of the status of the transaction.
    Only store the single-use payment method if it was successfully authorized.

The override options for QR code vaulting.
enum values:
    Do not show QR code as a payment option, even if it is enabled.
    If QR codes are enabled, show as a payment option, but do not vault.

The environment being used for Venmo.
enum values:
  • production
  • sandbox

The intended checkout flow communicated to the Venmo app.
enum values:
    Continue through the current checkout flow.
    Initiate the transaction directly from the Venmo app.

The status of the Venmo payment context.
enum values:
    Venmo user has approved the payment.
    Venmo user has canceled the payment.
    The Venmo payment context is created.
    The window for payment has expired and the context was ended.
    The payment failed and the context was ended.
    Venmo user has scanned the QR code.

The status of the verification, indicating whether the payment method was successfully verified. Braintree recommends only vaulting payment methods with successful verifications.
enum values:
    Indicates the verification was unsuccessful because of an issue communicating with the processor.
    Indicates that the verification was unsuccessful because the payment method failed one or more fraud checks. In this case, the `gatewayRejectionReason` will indicate which fraud check failed.
    Indicates that the verification is pending.
    Indicates that the verification was unsuccessful based on the response from the processor.
    Indicates that the verification was successful.
    Indicates that the verification is in the process of verifying.


Top-level input fields for accepting a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • disputeId: ID!
    The ID of the dispute to be accepted.

Input fields for searching for BusinessAccountCreationRequests by their `AccountCreationStatus`.

Input fields for an Address.
  • company: String
    Company name. 255 character maximum.
  • streetAddress: String
    The street address. 255 character maximum.
  • addressLine1: String
    The first line of the street address, such as street number, street name. 255 character maximum.
  • extendedAddress: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment or suite number. 255 character maximum.
  • addressLine2: String
    Extended address information, such as apartment number or suite number. 255 character maximum.
  • firstName: String
    First name. 255 character maximum.
  • lastName: String
    Last name. 255 character maximum.
  • locality: String
    Locality/city. 255 character maximum.
  • adminArea2: String
    A city, town or village. 255 character maximum.
  • region: String
    State or province. 255 character maximum.
  • adminArea1: String
    Highest level subdivision, such as state, province or ISO-3166-2 subdivision. 255 character maximum.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code in any country's format, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code. Nine alphanumeric characters maximum, may also contain spaces and hyphens. *Required in the shipping address for Level 3 processing*.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    Country code for the address. *Required in the shipping address for Level 3 processing*.

Input fields when requesting authentication insight for a payment method.
  • merchantAccountId: ID!
    ID of the merchant account that will be used when charging this payment method.
  • amount: Amount
    The intended transaction amount to be authorized on this payment method.
  • recurringCustomerConsent: Boolean
    A flag indicating whether the customer has consented to further recurring transactions.
  • recurringMaxAmount: Amount
    The maximum amount permitted for recurring transactions set by the customer.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by authorizing a credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a credit card payment method to be authorized.
  • options: CreditCardTransactionOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the credit card being authorized.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the authorization, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by authorizing a PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a PayPal payment method to be authorized.
  • options: AuthorizePayPalAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the PayPal account being authorized.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the authorization, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for authorizing a PayPal account.
  • customField: String
    Variable passed directly to PayPal for your own tracking purposes. Customers do not see this value.
  • description: String
    Description of the transaction that is displayed to customers in PayPal email receipts.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by authorizing a payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a payment method to be authorized.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the authorization, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by authorizing a Venmo account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a Venmo payment method to be authorized.
  • options: AuthorizeVenmoAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the Venmo account being authorized.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the authorization, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for authorizing a Venmo account.
  • profileId: String
    Specifies which Venmo business profile to use for the transaction.

Input fields for searching for BusinessAccountCreationRequests.

Top-level input fields for capturing an authorized transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    ID of the transaction to be captured.
  • transaction: CaptureTransactionOptionsInput
    Input fields for the capture, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for a capture, with details that will define the resulting transaction.
  • amount: Amount
    The amount to capture on the transaction. Must be greater than 0. You can't capture more than the authorized amount unless your industry and processor support settlement adjustment (capturing a certain percentage over the authorized amount); [contact us for assistance]( If you capture an amount that is less than what was authorized, the transaction object will return the amount captured.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase. If specified, this will update the existing descriptor on the transaction.
  • discountAmount: String
    Discount amount that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. This value can't be negative. Please note that this field is not used on PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this transaction. Up to 249 line items may be specified. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions. If specified, this will update the existing order ID on the transaction.
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
    A purchase order identification value you associate with this transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • shipping: TransactionShippingInput
    Shipping information. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • tax: TransactionTaxInput
    Tax information about the transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • industry: TransactionIndustryInput
    Industry data information. Only one of the three sub-input fields can be provided.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by charging a credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a credit card payment method to be charged.
  • options: CreditCardTransactionOptionsInput
    Input fields for creating a credit card transaction.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by charging a PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The ID of an existing PayPal account.
  • options: ChargePayPalAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the PayPal account being charged.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for creating a transaction with a PayPal account.
  • customField: String
    Variable passed directly to PayPal for your own tracking purposes. Customers do not see this value.
  • description: String
    Description of the transaction that is displayed to customers in PayPal email receipts.
  • selectedFinancingOption: SelectedPayPalFinancingOptionInput
    Buyer selected PayPal financing option.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by charging a payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a payment method to be charged.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by charging a US bank account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The ID of an existing US bank account.
  • options: ChargeUsBankAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the US bank account being charged.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for creating a transaction with a US bank account.
  • standardEntryClassCode: ACHStandardEntryClassCode
    A NACHA standard entry class (SEC) code, which designates how the transaction was authorized. Most internet-based sales should use the `WEB` code.

Top-level input fields for creating a transaction by charging a Venmo account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The ID of an existing Venmo account.
  • options: ChargeVenmoAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields for creating a Pay with Venmo transaction.
  • transaction: TransactionInput!
    Input fields for the charge, with details that will define the resulting transaction.

Input fields for creating a Pay with Venmo transaction.
  • profileId: String
    Specifies which Venmo business profile to use for the transaction.

Input fields for creating a client token.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    The merchant account ID used to create the client token. Defaults to your default merchant account ID.
  • customerId: ID
    The ID of an existing customer. Including this will allow your customer to vault and manage their payment methods.
  • domains: [String!]
    Some services require a list of domains that are allowed to use this token.

Top-level input field for confirming micro-transfer values.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • verificationId: ID!
    The ID of the verification from vaulting the bank account.
  • amountsInCents: [Int!]!
    The amounts, in cents, of two deposits made into the customer's bank account after initiating a MICRO_TRANSFERS verification. These values should be collected from your customer.

Top-level input field for generating a client token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • clientToken: ClientTokenInput
    Input fields for creating a client token.

Top-level field for creating a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customer: CustomerInput
    Input fields for creating a customer.

Top-level input fields for adding file evidence to a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • disputeId: ID!
    The ID of the dispute to be accepted.
  • category: DisputeFileEvidenceCategory
    The category for the evidence file.

Top-level input fields for creating text evidence for a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • disputeId: ID!
    The ID of the dispute to create the evidence for.
  • category: DisputeTextEvidenceCategory
    The category of the text evidence.
  • content: String!
    The content of the text evidence.

Input fields for creating an in-store firmware update schedule.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerIds: [ID!]!
    A list of reader IDs for which the firmware update will be scheduled.
  • scheduledAt: Timestamp!
    The date and time for updating the firmware on the reader(s). If no timezone is provided, it will be assumed to be UTC.
  • title: String
    The title of the schedule. 255 characters maximum.

Input fields for creating an in store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • location: InStoreLocationInput!
    Input fields to create an in-store Location.

Top-level input fields for creating a non-instant local payment context.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentContext: NonInstantLocalPaymentContextInput!
    Input fields for creating a non-instant local payment context.

Input fields for creating a new OAuth client secret.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Top-level input field for creating a PayPal Billing Agreement Token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Braintree merchant account ID associated with the PayPal account to be used for the Billing Agreement creation.
  • returnUrl: URL!
    URL for redirect back to merchant app on the client indicating successful approval.
  • cancelUrl: URL!
    URL for redirect back to merchant app on the client indicating unsuccessful approval.
  • description: String
    Description of the PayPal Billing Agreement, displayed to the PayPal user on and other PayPal user experiences.
  • email: EmailAddress
    Email of the payer (if known). This will prepopulate the input field in the PayPal approval page.
  • offerPayPalCredit: Boolean
    Indicates whether PayPal Credit should be offered in the PayPal approval flow.
  • paypalRiskCorrelationId: ID
    PayPal Risk correlation ID (also known as the Client Metadata ID).
  • paypalExperienceProfile: PayPalBillingAgreementExperienceProfileInput
    Defines the experience profile used to render the billing agreement approval flow.
  • shippingAddress: AddressInput
    Merchant-provided shipping address. Fields addressLine1, adminArea2, and countryCode are required for Billing Agreements.
  • paypalProductAttributes: PayPalProductAttributesInput
    Product attributes input for PayPal billing agreement.

Top-level input field for creating a PayPal One-Time Payment.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Braintree merchant account ID associated with the PayPal account to be used for the One-Time payment creation.
  • amount: MonetaryAmountInput!
    Total amount for payment to be charged to consumer.
  • cancelUrl: URL!
    URL for redirect back to merchant app on the client indicating unsuccessful approval.
  • email: EmailAddress
    Email of the payer. This will prepopulate the input field in the PayPal approval login page.
  • intent: PayPalIntent!
    The payment intent.
  • lineItems: [PayPalLineItemInput!]
    The line items for this transaction. Maximum 249 line items.
  • offerPayLater: Boolean
    Indicates whether PayPal Pay Later should be offered in the PayPal approval flow.
  • paypalRiskCorrelationId: ID
    PayPal Risk correlation ID (also known as the Client Metadata ID).
  • paypalExperienceProfile: PayPalExperienceProfileInput
    Defines the experience profile used to render the approval flow.
  • requestBillingAgreement: Boolean
    Indicates whether this payment uses the [Billing Agreement with Purchase flow]( This will request Billing Agreement approval from the customer, and a multi-use PayPal payment method will be created alongside the transaction.
  • billingAgreementDescription: String
    A description of the Billing Agreement being requested. This is displayed to the customer on when `requestBillingAgreement` is true. Maximum 127 characters.
  • returnUrl: URL!
    URL for redirect back to merchant app on the client indicating successful approval.
  • shippingAddress: AddressInput
    Merchant-provided shipping address. If passing a shipping address, fields addressLine1, adminArea2, and countryCode are required.
  • shippingOptions: [PayPalShippingOptionInput!]
    List of shipping options offered by the payee or merchant to the payer to ship or pick up their items. **Note:** `shippingOptions` may not be passed with intent `ORDER` payments.

Input fields for requesting access to a product.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • productCode: ProductCode!
    Code of product to be requested.

Input fields for creating an individual package tracker for a PayPal transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    The ID of the transaction to create the tracker for. The transaction be must be submitted for settlement before adding trackers. If this is a partial settlement transaction, provide the child transaction ID.
  • trackingNumber: String!
    Tracking number for this package. 64 characters maximum.
  • carrier: String!
    Shipping carrier. In order to provide customer with convenient tracking updates, refer to [PayPal Add Tracking API Carriers](, and use the middle column of screaming snake case values for the carrier of the shipment. If the carrier cannot be found in this list, use the carrier's name. 64 characters maximum.
  • notifyPayer: Boolean
    Indicator of whether or not to send customer notifications of shipment. Defaults to false.
  • lineItems: [TransactionPackageTrackingLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this shipment. Up to 249 line items may be specified.

Top-level input field for generating a PayPal access token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customerId: ID
    The ID of an existing customer. Including this will allow the access token to interact with this customer's data.
  • type: ACRType!
    Authentication context class reference for the universal access token.

Fields that are provided when creating a Venmo context.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • intent: VenmoIntent!
    Complete the transaction from merchant site or Venmo App.
  • paymentMethodUsage: PaymentMethodUsage!
    Whether the resulting payment method may be used to make a one time payment (`SINGLE_USE`) or to create a vaulted multi-use payment token (`MULTI_USE`).
  • customerClient: CustomerClient!
    Client the customer used to initiate the transaction.
  • merchantProfileId: ID
    An identifier representing the profile of the merchant used to initiate the transaction.
  • displayName: String
    The sub-merchant display name shown on the Venmo app consent screen. This field will only be present for PayFast channel partner merchants.
  • paysheetDetails: VenmoPaysheetDetailsInput
    Details about the information to be displayed on the Venmo Paysheet.
  • isFinalAmount: Boolean
    Indicates whether the purchase amount is the final amount.
  • returnUrl: URL
    URL for redirecting back to merchant app or website on the client.

Input fields that allow you to skip certain fraud checks. These will override Control Panel settings.
  • skipCvv: Boolean
    Skip CVV checks. Will result in a `cvvResponse` of `BYPASS` in the response from the processor. This only applies to chargeCreditCard and authorizeCreditCard; you cannot use these fields for vaultCreditCard and verifyCreditCard.
  • skipAvs: Boolean
    Skip AVS checks. Will result in an `avsPostalCodeResponse` of `BYPASS` in the response from the processor. This only applies to chargeCreditCard and authorizeCreditCard; you cannot use these fields for vaultCreditCard and verifyCreditCard.
  • skipAdvancedFraudChecking: Boolean
    Skip [advanced fraud checks](

Input fields for a credit card.
  • number: String
    The 12-to-19-digit value that uniquely identifies this credit card, also known as the primary account number or PAN.
  • expirationYear: String
    The two- or four-digit year associated with a credit card, formatted `YYYY` or `YY`.
  • expirationMonth: String
    The expiration month of a credit card, formatted `MM`.
  • cvv: String
    A three- or four-digit card verification value assigned to credit cards. The CVV will never be stored, but it can be provided with one-time requests to verify the card.
  • cardholderName: String
    When supplied, the cardholder name that will be tokenized with the contents of the fields.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
    The billing address for the credit card.

Input fields for creating a transaction by authorizing or charging a credit card.
  • externalVault: TransactionExternalVaultOptionsInput
    Details about this transaction if it's being created from a credit card that is or will be stored in an non-Braintree vault.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
    A billing address to use for the transaction. If a billing address was provided when tokenizing or is present on the vaulted credit card, it will be *merged* with this input value, with priority given to this input value.
  • accountType: CardAccountType
    The type of account to be used when transacting with a combo card.
  • tokenizedCvv: ID
    The CVV for the credit card to be used when creating this transction, securely tokenized with the `tokenizeCvv` mutation.
  • fraudTools: CreditCardFraudToolsOptionsInput
    Control which fraud tools will be applied to this transaction. Fraud tools cannot be retroactively applied to a transaction if skipped.
  • threeDSecureAuthentication: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationInput
    3D Secure authentication information performed for this transaction. Only use these fields if you are charging or authorizing a single-use payment method ID that was *not* generated by a 3DS flow on on the client.
  • scaExemption: ScaExemptionType
    The type of Strong Customer Authentication Exemption requested.
  • installmentCount: Int
    Number of monthly installments (can be anywhere between 2 and 48).

Input fields that specify options for verifying the credit card.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the credit card.
  • accountType: CardAccountType
    The type of account to be used when verifying a combo card.
  • riskData: RiskDataInput
    Customer device information, which is sent directly to supported processors for fraud analysis.
  • fraudTools: CreditCardFraudToolsOptionsInput
    Control which fraud tools will be applied to this verification. Fraud tools cannot be retroactively applied to a verification if skipped.
  • tokenizedCvv: ID
    The CVV for the credit card to be used when verifying the credit card, securely tokenized with the `tokenizeCvv` mutation.
  • amount: Amount
    The amount to use to verify the credit card.
  • skip: Boolean
    Whether to opt out of verifying the credit card. Defaults to `false`. Clients should only pass `true` in the uncommon scenario that the credit card has been verified externally to Braintree.

Fields that are provided when creating the payment context.
  • name: String!
    An alphanumeric string used as a key to lookup a CustomField value (255 characters maximum).
  • value: String!
    An alphanumeric string used to store a CustomField value (7168 characters maximum).

Fields that are provided during tokenization and are presented to the invoked action to be consumed.
  • name: String!
    The name of this field. e.g. "accountNumber".
  • value: String!
    The value of this field. e.g. "123456789".
  • displayValue: String!
    The value displayed in the Control Panel or API. e.g. "*****6789".

Input fields for a Custom Actions payment method.

Custom field name/value pairs. Maximum 255 characters. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • name: CustomFieldName!
    Name of the custom field as defined in the Control Panel.
  • value: String
    Value for the named custom field. A null value will ignore (on create) or remove (on update) the custom field.

Input fields for creating or updating a customer. On update, omitted fields will not be updated. Passing a null value will assign null to that field.
  • company: String
    Company or business name associated with the customer.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • email: String
    Email address for the customer.
  • firstName: String
    Customer's first name.
  • lastName: String
    Customer's last name.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The customer's phone number.
  • fax: String
    The customer's fax.
  • website: URL
    The customer's website.
  • taxIdentifiers: [CustomerTaxIdentifierInput!]
    A set of country code ID pairs, analogous to Social Security numbers in the United States. A customer may have multiple tax identifiers, but only one per tax jurisdiction. The values provided for an update will be stored and previous entries will be updated. **Note:** You will only need to use these fields for processing in certain countries.

Input fields for searching for customers.

The customer's tax identifer for a given tax jurisdiction.
  • identifier: String!
    The identifier provided in the format required for the given tax jurisdiction.
  • countryCode: CountryCode!
    The country code of the tax jurisdiction for this tax identifier.

Top-level input fields for deleting a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customerId: ID!
    The ID of the customer to be deleted.

Input fields for deleting dispute evidence.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • evidenceId: ID!
    The ID of the evidence to be deleted.
  • disputeId: ID!
    The ID of the dispute that the evidence belongs to.

Top-level input fields for deleting an in-store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • locationId: ID!
    ID of the location to be deleted.

Input fields for deleting an OAuth client secret.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • secret: String!
    The secret value to be deleted.

Top-level input fields for deleting a payment method referenced by a single-use token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • singleUseTokenId: ID!
    A single-use token ID referencing a payment method.

Top-level input fields for deleting a multi-use payment method from the vault.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The ID of the multi-use payment method to be deleted.

Specific input fields for describing a detached refund.
  • amount: Amount!
    The amount to refund.
  • orderId: String
    The refund's order ID.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account that will be used when performing the refund.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's statement (for instance, credit card or bank statement) for this refund. This should match the original transaction if possible.

Input fields for disabling an OAuth client secret.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • secret: String!
    The secret value to be disabled.

Input to disable a Product for a Merchant.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • code: ProductCode!
    Unique code of the product being disabled.

Input fields for searching for Disputes.

Transaction input fields for searching for disputes.

Input to enable a Product for a Merchant.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • code: ProductCode!
    Unique code of the product being enabled.

Input to generate the exchange rate quote.
  • baseCurrency: CurrencyCodeAlpha!
    The currency code from which the exchange rate will be used to convert to the `quoteCurrency`.
  • quoteCurrency: CurrencyCodeAlpha!
    The currency code to which the exchange rate will be used to convert from `baseCurrency`.
  • baseAmount: Amount
    The amount in the `baseCurrency` to be converted to the `quoteCurrency`. If this is provided, the result will include the converted amount properly rounded.
  • markup: Percentage
    A percentage added into the exchange rate. This allows the merchant to settle for more than the quoted `tradeRate`.

Top-level input fields for finalizing a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • disputeId: ID!
    The ID of the dispute to be finalized.

Input to generate a list of exchange rate quotes.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • quotes: [ExchangeRateQuoteInput!]!
    Base and quote currency combinations for which the quote will be generated.

Coordinates describing a geographic position.
  • latitude: Float!
    The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator. A positive value is north of the equator, a negative value is south of the equator.
  • longitude: Float!
    The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England. A positive value is east of the prime meridian, a negative value is west of the prime meridian.

Input fields for creating an in-store authorization.
  • amount: Amount!
    Billing amount of the request. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account. This can only contain numbers and one decimal point (e.g. x.xx). Can't be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Merchant account ID used to process the transaction. Currency is also determined by merchant account ID. If no merchant account ID is specified, we will use your default merchant account.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.
  • customerId: ID
    If charging a single-use payment method, optional ID of a customer to associate the transaction with. If vaulting the single-use payment method, this customer will be associated with the resulting multi-use payment method.
  • vaultPaymentMethodAfterTransacting: VaultPaymentMethodAfterTransactingInput
    When a single-use payment method is used to create this transaction, it can be automatically stored in the vault after transacting. If this field is left blank, the single-use payment method will not be vaulted.
  • channel: String
    For partners and shopping carts only. If you are a shopping cart provider or other Braintree partner, pass a string identifier for your service. For PayPal transactions, this maps to paypal.bn_code.
  • industry: TransactionIndustryInput
    Industry data information. Only one of the three sub-input fields can be provided.
  • acceptPartialAuthorization: Boolean
    Controls whether to allow partial authorizations (or "partial approvals") for this transaction. Defaults to false.
  • paymentInitiator: InStorePaymentInitiator
    This field denotes the nature or characteristic of a transaction, including whether it is initiated by the merchant or the customer.

Input fields for a choice on an in-store reader.
  • primaryText: String!
    The primary text of the choice to be displayed on the in-store reader, with a maximum of 35 characters.
  • secondaryText: String
    The secondary text of the choice to be displayed on the in-store reader, with a maximum of 35 characters.
  • style: InStoreBackgroundStyle
    The background style of the choice. Defaults to PRIMARY.

Input fields for an individual display item on an in-store reader.
  • kind: DisplayItemType!
    The display item type to be displayed on the in-store reader.
  • description: String
    The display item text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 35 character maximum.
  • quantity: Float
    The number of units for a CHARGE or DISCOUNT item. Must be greater than 0.
  • amount: Amount
    The total amount of a CHARGE or DISCOUNT item.

Input fields for an in-store Location Address.
  • streetAddress: String!
    The street address.
  • extendedAddress: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment or suite number.
  • locality: String!
  • region: String!
    State or province.
  • postalCode: String!
    Postal code in any country's format, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code.
  • countryCode: CountryCode!
    Country code for the address.

Input fields for searching an in-store location address. If multiple fields are specified, location addresses will be returned which meet all of the specified criteria.

Input fields for an in-store Location Address update.
  • streetAddress: String
    The street address.
  • extendedAddress: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment or suite number.
  • locality: String
  • region: String
    State or province.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code in any country's format, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    Country code for the address.

Input fields for searching an in-store location. If multiple fields are specified, locations will be returned which meet all of the specified criteria.

Fields required for an instore location.
  • name: String!
    The publicly visible label of this Location.
  • internalName: String!
    Name assigned by the merchant to uniquely identify this Location.
  • address: InStoreLocationAddressInput!
    The address of the in-store Location.
  • geoCoordinates: GeoCoordinatesInput
    The coordinates of this location.
  • payerId: ID
    The PayPal account ID to which this Location will be added.
  • enableQRCodePayments: Boolean!
    Whether QR code payments will be enabled for this location.

Input fields for searching in-store locations.

Fields required to update an in-store location.
  • name: String
    The publicly visible label of this location.
  • internalName: String
    Name assigned by the merchant to uniquely identify this location.
  • address: InStoreLocationAddressUpdateInput
    The address of the location.
  • geoCoordinates: GeoCoordinatesInput
    The coordinates of this location.
  • payerId: ID
    The PayPal account ID to which this location will be added.
  • enableQRCodePayments: Boolean
    Whether QR code payments will be enabled for this location.

Input fields for content to be printed on the in-store reader.

Input fields for image content to be printed on the in-store reader.
  • value: String!
    The base64-encoded string representation of the image. The image must be in PNG format and cannot exceed 76,800 bytes in size.
  • endOfLineFlag: Boolean
    A boolean flag indicating whether this is the last item on the current line. Defaults to `true`. Also, it offers the option for the caller to print two or more items side-by-side.
  • alignment: InStorePrintAlignment
    The alignment of the image on the printed paper. Defaults to `CENTER`.

Input fields for text content to be printed on the in-store reader.
  • value: String!
    The text value to be printed.
  • endOfLineFlag: Boolean
    A boolean flag indicating whether this is the last item on the current line. Defaults to `true`.
  • alignment: InStorePrintAlignment
    The alignment of the text on the printed paper. Defaults to `CENTER`.
  • textDecoration: InStorePrintTextDecoration
    The decoration of the text. Defaults to `NORMAL`.
  • fontWeight: InStorePrintTextFontWeight
    The font weight of the text. Defaults to `NORMAL`.
  • fontStyle: InStorePrintTextFontStyle
    The font style of the text. Defaults to `NORMAL`.
  • fontSize: Int
    The font size of the text. Defaults to `24`.

Input fields for searching an in-store reader. If multiple fields are specified, only readers that meet all of the specified criteria will be returned.

Input fields for searching for in-store readers.

Fields that are reader specific for pairing a reader.
  • locationId: ID!
    In-Store Location to attach Reader to.
  • name: String
    Name given to the Reader.

Input fields for creating an in-store transaction.
  • amount: Amount!
    Refund amount of the request. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account. This can only contain numbers and one decimal point (e.g. x.xx). Can't be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Merchant account ID used to process the refund. Currency is also determined by merchant account ID. If no merchant account ID is specified, we will use your default merchant account.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the refund. On PayPal refunds, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal refunds.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.

Input fields for creating an in-store transaction.
  • amount: Amount!
    Billing amount of the request. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account. This can only contain numbers and one decimal point (e.g. x.xx). Can't be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Merchant account ID used to process the transaction. Currency is also determined by merchant account ID. If no merchant account ID is specified, we will use your default merchant account.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.
  • customerId: ID
    If charging a single-use payment method, optional ID of a customer to associate the transaction with. If vaulting the single-use payment method, this customer will be associated with the resulting multi-use payment method.
  • vaultPaymentMethodAfterTransacting: VaultInStorePaymentMethodAfterTransactingInput
    When a single-use payment method is used to create this transaction, it can be automatically stored in the vault after transacting. If this field is left blank, the single-use payment method will not be vaulted.
  • channel: String
    For partners and shopping carts only. If you are a shopping cart provider or other Braintree partner, pass a string identifier for your service. For PayPal transactions, this maps to paypal.bn_code.
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
    A purchase order identification value you associate with this transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • tax: TransactionTaxInput
    Tax information about the transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • shipping: TransactionShippingInput
    Shipping information. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • discountAmount: String
    Discount amount that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. This value can't be negative. Please note that this field is not used on PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this transaction. Up to 249 line items may be specified. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • industry: TransactionIndustryInput
    Industry data information. Only one of the three sub-input fields can be provided.
  • acceptPartialAuthorization: Boolean
    Controls whether to allow partial authorizations (or "partial approvals") for this transaction. Defaults to false.

Input fields for industry data additional charges.

Input fields for industry cruise data.
  • travelPackage: IndustryCruiseTravelPackageType!
    The cruise travel package.
  • lodgingCheckInDate: Date
    The date of cruise check in.
  • lodgingCheckOutDate: Date
    The date of cruise check out.
  • departureDate: Date
    The date of cruise departure.
  • lodgingName: String
    The cruise lodging name.

Input fields for industry flight data.
  • passengerFirstName: String
    The passenger's first name.
  • passengerLastName: String
    The passenger's last name.
  • passengerMiddleInitial: String
    The passenger's middle initial.
  • passengerTitle: String
    The passenger's title (e.g. Mr, Ms).
  • dateOfBirth: Date
    The passenger's date of birth.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2
    The passenger's nationality.
  • issuedDate: Date
    The day on which the tickets were issued.
  • travelAgencyName: String
    The travel agency's name.
  • travelAgencyCode: String
    The travel agency's IATA code.
  • ticketNumber: String
    The primary ticket number. Maximum 15 characters.
  • issuingCarrierCode: String
    The ticket issuer's IATA code. Maximum 4 characters. For airline, code is obtained from the Official Airline Guide or its equivalent. Required for Reduced Interchange.
  • customerCode: String
    The code supplied by the customer using a purchase card. Maximum 17 characters.
  • fareAmount: Amount
    The fare amount.
  • feeAmount: Amount
    The fee amount.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    The tax amount.
  • restrictedTicket: Boolean!
    Indicates if the ticket is restricted.
  • arrivalDate: Date
    The date of check-in.
  • ticketIssuerAddress: AddressInput
    The address of the agency issuing the ticket.
  • legs: [IndustryFlightLegInput!]
    Identifies the different legs of travel. It can include up to 12 items.

Input fields for industry data legs.
  • conjunctionTicket: String
    The conjunction ticket. Maximum 14 characters.
  • exchangeTicket: String
    The ticket number issued when the ticket was exchanged. Maximum 15 characters.
  • couponNumber: String
    The coupon number. Exactly 1 character.
  • serviceClass: String
    The class of service's IATA code. Maximum 2 characters.
  • carrierCode: String
    The carrier's IATA code. Maximum 2 characters.
  • fareBasisCode: String
    The fare basis code. Maximum 15 characters.
  • flightNumber: String
    The flight number. Maximum 5 characters.
  • departureDate: Date
    The day of departure.
  • departureAirportCode: String
    The departure airport's IATA code. Exactly 3 characters.
  • departureTime: String
    The departure time in the 24-hour format HH:MM.
  • arrivalAirportCode: String
    The arrival airport's IATA code. Exactly 3 characters.
  • arrivalTime: String
    The arrival time in the 24-hour format HH:MM.
  • stopoverPermitted: Boolean
    Indicates whether a stopover is permitted.
  • fareAmount: Amount
    The fare amount.
  • feeAmount: Amount
    The fee amount.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    The tax amount.
  • endorsementOrRestrictions: String
    The notes or notations about endorsements or restrictions (e.g. NOT REFUNDABLE).

Input fields for industry lodging data.
  • folioNumber: String
    The folio number assigned to the itemized statement assigned to this stay. Alphanumeric with a maximum of 12 characters.
  • checkInDate: Date
    Customer check-in date.
  • checkOutDate: Date
    Customer check-out date.
  • roomRate: Amount
    Hotel daily room charge.
  • roomTax: Amount
    Hotel daily tax.
  • noShow: Boolean
    Indicates whether or not the customer checked in, rented a car, etc. It should be true when the guest did not show up for the reservation.
  • advancedDeposit: Boolean
    This transaction is an advanced payment for a hotel stay.
  • fireSafe: Boolean
    This property complies with the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990.
  • propertyPhone: String
    The property's 10-digit phone number, consisting of digits (0-9), dashes (-), parentheses (()), and dots (.). Examples: (555)555-1234, 555-555-1234.
  • additionalCharges: [IndustryAdditionalChargeInput!]
    The list of additional charges for the hotel stay.

UPC(Universal Product Code) of a line item.
  • upcCode: String!
    UPC code for the item. Minimum 6 characters, maximum 17 characters.
  • upcType: UpcType!
    UPC type for the item.

Input fields for local payment addresses.
  • streetAddress: String
    The street address.
  • extendedAddress: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment or suite number.
  • locality: String
  • region: String
    State or province.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code in any country's format, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    Country code for the address.

Input fields for the payer of a local payment.

Input fields for searching for merchant accounts.

Input fields representing an amount with currency.
  • value: Amount!
    The amount of money, either a whole number or a number with up to 3 decimal places.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha!
    The currency code for the monetary amount.

Input fields for searching for a transaction or refund amount.

The name of the party.
  • prefix: String
    The prefix, or title, to the party name.
  • givenName: String!
    The party's given, or first, name. Required if the party is a person.
  • surname: String!
    The party's surname or family name. Also known as the last name. Required if the party is a person. Use also to store multiple surnames including the matronymic, or mother's, surname.
  • middleName: String
    The party's middle name. Use also to store multiple middle names including the patronymic, or father's, middle name.
  • suffix: String
    The suffix for the party's name.
  • alternateFullName: String
    The party's alternate name. Can be a business name, nickname, or any other name that cannot be split into first, last name. Required for a business party name.

Input fields for a network tokenized card.
  • cryptogram: String!
    A one-time-use string generated by the token requester to validate the transaction.
  • eCommerceIndicator: ECommerceIndicator
    A two-digit string that should be passed along in the authorization message.
  • expirationMonth: Month!
    A two-digit string representing the expiration month of the DPAN.
  • expirationYear: Year!
    A four-digit string representing the expiration year of the DPAN.
  • number: CreditCardNumber!
    The card number used in processing. This is a device PAN (DPAN), not the backing card number (FPAN).
  • originDetails: NetworkTokenOriginDetailsInput!
    Additional information about a network token.

Information about the network token, such as the origin of the network token, source card details, and other token requestor data.
  • origin: NetworkTokenOrigin!
    The origin of the network token.
  • sourceCardDescription: String
    A string, suitable for display, that describes the backing card.
  • sourceCardLast4: CreditCardLast4
    The last 4 digits of the backing card number (FPAN).
  • sourceCardType: CreditCardBrandCode
    The card type of the backing card.
  • tokenRequestorId: String
    The token requestor ID of the entity that generated this network token.
  • transactionId: String
    The transaction ID for this network token.

Input fields for non-instant local payment context.
  • orderId: String
    The order id of the eventual Braintree transaction and the invoice number of the local payment context. Maximum 127 characters.
  • amount: MonetaryAmountInput!
    The amount of the local payment.
  • type: NonInstantLocalPaymentMethodType!
    The type of the non-instant local payment.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    The country code of the local payment. For local payments supported in multiple countries, this value may determine which banks are presented to the customer.
  • locale: Language
    The language tag for the language in which to localize the error-related strings.
  • returnUrl: String!
    The URL where the customer is redirected after the customer approves the payment.
  • cancelUrl: String!
    The URL where the customer is redirected after the customer cancels the payment.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the PayPal merchant account that will be used when charging this payment method.
  • payerInfo: LocalPaymentPayerInfoInput!
    The payer's information.
  • expiryDate: Date
    Overrides the default date at which the local payment context will expire. MULTIBANCO is not overridable.

Input fields for pairing an in store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • userCode: String!
    Code displayed on Reader during pairing.
  • reader: InStoreReaderSetupInput!
    Inputs for Reader.

Top-level input fields for capturing outstanding funds authorized by a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    ID of the original authorized transaction to be partially captured.
  • transaction: PartialCaptureTransactionOptionsInput
    Input fields for the capture, with details that will define the resulting capture transaction.

Input fields for the capture, with details that will define the resulting capture transaction.
  • amount: Amount!
    The amount to capture on the transaction against the parent authorization transaction. Must be greater than 0. You can perform multiple partial capture transactions as long as the cumulative amount of those transactions is less than or equal to the amount authorized by the parent transaction. You can't capture more than the authorized amount unless your industry and processor support settlement adjustment (capturing a certain percentage over the authorized amount); [contact us for assistance](
  • discountAmount: String
    Discount amount that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. This value can't be negative. Please note that this field is not on PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • finalCapture: Boolean
    Input to specify current partial capture is the final one for parent authorized transaction.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this transaction. Up to 249 line items may be specified. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions. If specified, this will update the existing order ID on the transaction.
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
    A purchase order identification value you associate with this transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • shipping: TransactionShippingInput
    Shipping information. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • tax: TransactionTaxInput
    Tax information about the transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase. If specified, this will update the existing descriptor on the transaction.
  • industry: TransactionIndustryInput
    Industry data information. Only one of the three sub-input fields can be provided.

Input for identifying a PayPal account.
  • payerId: ID
    The unique PayPal ID of the PayPal account.

Controls the experience in a PayPal billing agreement approval flow.
  • brandName: String
    Merchant brand name to be displayed on the PayPal approval pages.
  • collectShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether a shipping address will be collected from the customer during the agreement approval flow.
  • landingPageType: PayPalLandingPageType
    Specifies the PayPal page to display when a user lands on the PayPal site to complete the payment.
  • locale: Language
    Locale of the PayPal payment approval experience.
  • shippingAddressEditable: Boolean
    Indicates whether to enable user editing of the shipping address. Only applies when shipping address is provided by merchant.

Input fields for a PayPal account to be vaulted.
  • billingAgreementToken: ID!
    The Billing Agreement token.

Controls the experience in a PayPal approval flow.
  • brandName: String
    Merchant brand name to be displayed on the PayPal approval pages.
  • collectShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether a shipping address will be collected from the customer during the agreement approval flow.
  • landingPageType: PayPalLandingPageType
    Specifies the PayPal page to display when a user lands on the PayPal site to complete the payment.
  • locale: Language
    Locale of the PayPal payment approval experience.
  • shippingAddressEditable: Boolean
    Indicates whether to enable user editing of the shipping address. Only applies when shipping address is provided by merchant.
  • userAction: PayPalUserAction
    Presents the customer with either the Continue or Pay Now (COMMIT) checkout flow. Default is Continue flow if the field is not provided.

Input fields for requesting information about PayPal financing options.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing multi-use PayPal payment method to request financing options for.
  • amount: MonetaryAmountInput!
    The transaction currency and total amount to finance.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2!
    The financing country code.

Line items for a PayPal payment.
  • name: String!
    Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
  • quantity: Int!
    Number of units of the item purchased. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • unitAmount: Amount!
    Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • type: TransactionLineItemType!
    Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund or discount) to the customer.
  • description: String
    Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
  • unitTaxAmount: Amount!
    Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. If this is a line item for a Venmo transaction, this value can be zero.
  • url: URL
    The URL to product information.
  • imageUrl: URL
    URL to an image that represents the product. Max 1024 characters.
  • upc: LineItemUpcInput
    UPC of the line item.

Input fields for a PayPal account for a One-Time payment.
  • payerId: ID!
    The PayPal payer ID.
  • paymentId: ID!
    The PayPal payment ID. This ID is prefixed with "PAYID-".
  • paymentToken: ID!
    The PayPal payment token, also known as an Express Checkout token. This token is prefixed with "EC-".

Input fields for a PayPal account receiving transaction funds.
  • email: String
    The email address associated with the payee PayPal account.

Product attributes input for PayPal billing agreement.

A shipping option for a PayPal One-Time payment.
  • amount: MonetaryAmountInput!
    The cost for this shipping option.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID that identifies a shipping option.
  • description: String!
    The shipping option description. Localize this description to the payer's locale. For example, `Free Shipping`, `USPS Priority Shipping`, `Expédition prioritaire USPS`, or `USPS yōuxiān fā huò`.
  • selected: Boolean!
    Indicates which shipping option is selected by default when the payer views the shipping options within the PayPal checkout experience. Only one shipping option can be selected at a time.
  • type: PayPalShippingOptionType!
    The method by which the payer wants to receive their items.

Input fields that specify options for verifying the vaulted payment method. Only applicable for payment method types that suport verification.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the payment method. The verification will use the default merchant account if this field is left blank.
  • skip: Boolean
    Whether to opt out of verifying the payment method. Defaults to `false` for payment methods that support verification. Clients should only pass `true` in the uncommon scenario that the payment method has been verified externally to Braintree.

Input fields for searching for any type of Payment.

Top-level fields for performing a 3D Secure Lookup.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account that will be used when charging the payment method.
  • dfReferenceId: String
    Reference ID used by our MPI provider CardinalCommerce to connect the lookup request to the device data that was previously collected.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of a payment method to perform the lookup on.
  • amount: Amount!
    The amount you plan to charge the payment method after the 3D Secure authentication.
  • transactionInformation: ThreeDSecureLookupTransactionInformationInput
    Additional information about the transaction when authenticating through 3D Secure.
  • cardholderInformation: ThreeDSecureLookupCardholderInformationInput
    Additional information about the cardholder when authenticating through 3D Secure.
  • requestAuthenticationChallenge: Boolean
    When set to true, requests a 3D Secure authentication challenge from the issuer. A challenge will result in the acsUrl field being populated on the response, requiring you to open the challenge on the client side.
  • requestedExemptionType: ScaExemptionType
    Indicates an exemption to be requested. If the exemption's conditions are satisfied, then will it be applied to 3D Secure.
  • clientInformation: ThreeDSecureLookupClientInformationInput
    Information about the client-side lookup process.
  • dataOnlyRequested: Boolean
    When set to true, the data-only 3D Secure call will be created. The status of [DATA_ONLY_SUCCESSFUL]( will be returned as `ThreeDSecureAuthenticationStatus` for a successful response.
  • cardAdd: Boolean
    If set to true, a card-add challenge will be requested from the issuer to confirm adding new card to the merchant's vault. This flag should only be used when adding a card to a merchant’s vault and not for creating transactions.
  • merchantInitiatedRequest: ThreeDSecureMerchantInitiatedRequestInput
    3RI (3DS Requester Initiated) request.

The phone number in its international [E.164 numbering plan format](
  • countryPhoneCode: String!
    The country calling code (CC), in its canonical international [E.164 numbering plan format]( The combined length of the CC and the national number must not be greater than 15 digits. The national number consists of a national destination code (NDC) and subscriber number (SN).
  • phoneNumber: String!
    The phone number, in its canonical international [E.164 numbering plan format]( The combined length of the country calling code (CC) and the national number must not be greater than 15 digits. The national number consists of a national destination code (NDC) and subscriber number (SN).
  • extensionNumber: String
    The extension number.

Input for selecting products to be returned.

Top-level input fields for creating a detached refund on a credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of the credit card to be refunded.
  • refund: DetachedRefundInput!
    Input fields containing details about the refund.

Specific input fields for describing a refund.
  • amount: Amount
    The amount to refund. Must be less than or equal to the amount of the original transaction. Defaults to the total amount of the original transaction.
  • orderId: String
    The refund's order ID. Defaults to the order ID of the original transaction.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account that will be used when performing the refund.
  • description: String
    Description of the refund that is displayed to customers in PayPal email receipts.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this refund. Up to 249 line items may be specified. Only allowed for Custom Actions transactions.

Input fields for searching for refunds.

Top-level input fields for refunding a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    The ID of a transaction to be refunded.
  • refund: RefundInput
    Input fields for the details of the refund.

Top-level input fields for creating a detached refund on a US Bank Account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of the US Bank Account to be refunded.
  • options: ChargeUsBankAccountOptionsInput
    Input fields related to the US bank account being charged.
  • refund: DetachedRefundInput!
    Input fields containing details about the refund.

Input fields for requesting an amount on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the in-store reader to request an amount from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum.
  • text: String
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 65536 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • alignment: InStoreReaderDisplayAlignment
    The way the text is aligned when displayed on an in-store reader. Defaults to CENTER.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds.
  • decimalPlaces: DecimalPlaces
    The number of digits that appear after the decimal point in the amount. Defaults to TWO. Allowed to be ZERO, TWO, or THREE.
  • cancellationText: String
    Text for the cancellation button to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum. Defaults to 'Cancel'.
  • confirmationText: String
    Text for the confirmation button to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum. Defaults to 'Submit'.

Input fields for requesting an authorization from an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request an authorization from.
  • transaction: InStoreAuthorizationInput!
    Information about the requested in-store transaction.

Input fields for requesting a cancel during an in-store charge flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • inStoreContextId: ID!
    Unique ID for the charge flow.

Input fields for beginning the in-store charge flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a charge from.
  • transaction: InStoreTransactionInput!
    Information about the requested in-store transaction.

Input fields for requesting a confirmation prompt on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a confirmation prompt from.
  • title: String!
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 50 character maximum.
  • text: String!
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 65536 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • alignment: InStoreReaderDisplayAlignment
    The way the text is aligned when displayed on an in-store reader. Defaults to CENTER.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • cancellationText: String
    Text for the cancellation option to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum.
  • confirmationText: String
    Text for the confirmation option to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum.

Input fields for requesting a firmware update for an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    The in-store reader to receive the firmware update.

Input fields for beginning the in-store display line items flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to display items on.
  • displayItems: [InStoreDisplayItemInput!]
    Items to be displayed on the in-store reader. Up to 249 items may be specified.
  • tax: Amount!
    The total tax amount for the entire transaction, including all display line items.
  • amount: Amount!
    The total amount for the entire transaction, including tax.
  • discountAmount: Amount
    The total discount amount for the entire transaction.

Input fields for requesting a multi-choice single select prompt on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the in-store reader to request a multi-choice single-select from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum.
  • text: String
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 65536 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • alignment: InStoreReaderDisplayAlignment
    The way the text is aligned when displayed on an in-store reader. Defaults to CENTER.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screensaver is displayed by default.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds.
  • choices: [InStoreChoiceInput!]!
    The list of available choices for user selection, limited to a maximum of 15 choices.

Input fields for requesting non [PCI-scoped]( card data from an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request card data from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • textAreaOne: String
    Large text to be displayed on the in-store reader directly below the title. 1000 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • textAreaTwo: String
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds. Unsuccessful input attempts will reset the timer.

Input fields for initiating a request to print content on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request printing content from.
  • contents: [InStorePrintContentInput!]!
    Contents to be printed on the in-store reader. The `contents` field must not exceed 122,880 bytes in size.

Input fields for beginning the in-store refund flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a refund from.
  • refund: InStoreRefundInput!
    Information about the requested in-store refund.

Input fields for requesting a signature prompt on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a signature prompt from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 50 character maximum.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • cancellationText: String
    Text for the cancellation option to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum.
  • confirmationText: String
    Text for the confirmation option to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum.

Input fields for beginning the in-store display text flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a text display from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • alignment: InStoreReaderDisplayAlignment
    The way the text is aligned when displayed on an in-store reader. Defaults to CENTER. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.
  • text: String!
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 65536 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default. Supported on payment application version >= 5.2.0.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds. Only supported on payment application versions >= 5.2.0.

Input fields for requesting a text on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the in-store reader to request a text prompt from.
  • title: String
    Title to be displayed on the in-store reader. 1000 character maximum.
  • text: String
    Text to be displayed on the in-store reader. 65536 character maximum. '\n' line breaks will be respected.
  • alignment: InStoreReaderDisplayAlignment
    The way the text is aligned when displayed on an in-store reader. Defaults to CENTER.
  • waitForNextRequest: Boolean
    Once the customer submits a response, a loading screen should be displayed on the in-store reader until the next request comes in. The screen saver is displayed by default.
  • displayTimeout: Int
    Display timeout in seconds. This is the time allotted for the user to complete their input. Defaults to 120 seconds.
  • inputType: InStoreReaderTextPromptType!
    The input types available for user input.
  • inputPlaceholder: String
    Placeholder text in the input box to indicate to the user the expected input format.
  • inputFormat: String
    Custom format used for text input, where the '*' symbol indicates a mandatory input character, and all other characters are treated as literals. For instance, a phone number format in the US would be '(***) ***-****', while a zip code format would be '*****'.
  • cancellationText: String
    Text for the cancellation button to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum. Defaults to 'Cancel'.
  • confirmationText: String
    Text for the confirmation button to be displayed on the in-store reader. 20 character maximum. Defaults to 'Submit'.

Input fields for beginning the in-store charge flow.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    ID of the Reader to request a vault from.
  • verification: PaymentMethodVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the payment method before vaulting. Only applicable if the payment method is of a type that supports verification. For supported types, verification is performed by default. If the verification fails, the payment method will not be vaulted.
  • customerId: ID
    ID of the customer to associate the resulting multi-use payment method with.

Input fields for reversing a refund.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • refundId: ID!
    The ID of the refund to reverse.

Input fields for reversing a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    The ID of the transaction to reverse.

Input fields for data used by processors for risk analysis.
  • customerBrowser: String
    The User-Agent header provided by the customer's browser, which gives information about the browser. Maximum 255 characters.
  • customerIp: String
    The customer's IP address.
  • deviceData: String
    Customer device information. Required when creating transactions using cards (only if using Advanced Fraud Tools), PayPal (only for one-time Vaulted PayPal transactions), and Venmo payment method types. This value will contain a Fraud Merchant ID as the unique, numeric identifier for a Kount account and a Device Session ID as the unique identifier for a customer device. For PayPal and Venmo transactions, this value will also include a PayPal Correlation ID.

Input fields for a Samsung Pay card.
  • cryptogram: String!
    A one-time-use string generated by the token requester to validate the transaction.
  • eCommerceIndicator: ECommerceIndicator!
    A two-digit string that should be passed along in the authorization message.
  • expirationMonth: Month!
    A two-digit string representing the expiration month of the DPAN.
  • expirationYear: Year!
    A four-digit string representing the expiration year of the DPAN.
  • number: CreditCardNumber!
    The card number provided by Samsung and used in processing. This is a digitized PAN (DPAN), not the backing card number (FPAN).
  • sourceCardLast4: CreditCardLast4!
    The last four digits of the FPAN (the cardholder's backing card).

Top-level input fields for settling a transaction in the sandbox environment.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    Id of the transaction to force settlement in the sandbox environment.
  • settlementState: SandboxSettlementState
    The target settlement state for the transaction in the sandbox environment.

Input fields for searching by address.

Deprecated: Please use `SearchDisputeProtectionLevelInput` instead. Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given chargeback protection level.

Input fields for searching for payments by credit card brand.

Input fields for searching for a transaction created with a give credit card customer location.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot credit card expiration date criteria.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot credit card expiration date criteria.
  • expirationMonth: String!
    The month of the credit card expiration as MM.
  • expirationYear: String!
    The year of the credit card expiration as YYYY.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot credit card number criteria.
  • startsWith: String
    Up to the first six digits of the credit card number (the credit card's BIN).
  • endsWith: String
    Up to four digits of the last four digits of the credit card number.

Input fields for searching for a date. These ranges are precise to the day.
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo: Date
    Date is greater than or equal to this value.
  • lessThanOrEqualTo: Date
    Date is less than or equal to this value.

Input fields for searching disputes with merchant account id criteria.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • in: [String!]
    Field is one of these values.
  • isNot: String
    Field is not this value.
  • startsWith: String
    Field starts with this value.
  • endsWith: String
    Field ends with this value.
  • contains: String
    Field contains this value.

Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given protection level.

Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given reason description.

Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given status.

Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given type.
  • is: DisputeType
    The dispute type is exactly this value.
  • in: [DisputeType!]
    The dispute type is one of these values.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot credit card details criteria.

Input fields for searching payments by customer.

Input fields for searching transactions with merchant account id criteria.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • in: [String!]
    Field is one of these values.
  • isNot: String
    Field is not this value.
  • startsWith: String
    Field starts with this value.
  • endsWith: String
    Field ends with this value.
  • contains: String
    Field contains this value.

Input fields for searching transactions by payment method snapshot type.
  • is: PaymentMethodSnapshotSearchType
    This value represents the payment method type used to create a transaction. In the case of credit cards, this value also encode the origin from which a customer provided that payment method.
  • in: [PaymentMethodSnapshotSearchType!]
    These values represent the payment method type used to create a transaction. In the case of credit cards, these values also encode the origin from which a customer provided that payment method.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot PayPal details criteria.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method criteria.

Input fields for searching for payments by payment method snapshot criteria.
  • type: SearchPaymentMethodSnapshotTypeInput
    Find payments based on the payment instrument type.
  • creditCardDetails: SearchPaymentCreditCardDetailsInput
    Find payments made with credit cards, based on the details of the credit card used for the payment. Passing an object with non-empty, non-null fields will scope your search to *only* credit card payment methods. This overrides the `type` field.
  • payPalDetails: SearchPaymentPayPalDetailsInput
    Find payments made with PayPal, based on the PayPal details used for the payment. Passing a value here will scope your search to *only* PayPal payment methods. This overrides the `type` field.
  • sepaDirectDebitDetails: SearchPaymentSEPADirectDebitDetailsInput
    Find SEPA payments with SEPA details. Passing a value here will scope your search to *only* SEPA Direct Debit payment methods. This overrides the `type` field.

Input field for searching for payments by payment method snapshot SEPA Direct Debit details criteria.

Input fields for searching for a transaction or refund created with a given source.
  • in: [PaymentSource!]
    The transaction source is one of these values.

Input fields for searching for a transaction or refund with a given status.
  • in: [PaymentStatus!]
    The transaction status is one of these values.

Payment status transition times.

Input fields for searching for payments by implementing type.

Input fields for searching for a dispute with a given pre-dispute program.

Input fields for searching for transactions with a given processing mode.
  • is: ProcessingMode
    This value represents the processing mode used to create a transaction.
  • in: [ProcessingMode!]
    These values represent the processing mode used to create a transaction.

Input fields for searching for a range.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo: String
    Field is greater than or equal to this value.
  • lessThanOrEqualTo: String
    Field is less than or equal to this value.

Input fields for searching for a version number.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • isNot: String
    Field is not this value.
  • startsWith: String
    Field starts with this value.
  • contains: String
    Field contains this value.

Input fields for searching text fields.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • isNot: String
    Field is not this value.
  • startsWith: String
    Field starts with this value.
  • endsWith: String
    Field ends with this value.
  • contains: String
    Field contains this value.

Input fields for searching text fields or for specific values.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • isNot: String
    Field is not this value.
  • startsWith: String
    Field starts with this value.
  • endsWith: String
    Field ends with this value.
  • contains: String
    Field contains this value.
  • in: [String!]
    Field is one of these values.

Input fields for searching by timestamp. These ranges are precise to the minute; the results of searching for an object created between 12/17/2015 17:00 and 12/17/2015 17:00 (i.e., the same minute) will include objects created at 12/17/2015 17:00:59. If no timezone is provided, it will be assumed to be UTC.
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo: Timestamp
    Timestamp is greater than or equal to this value.
  • lessThanOrEqualTo: Timestamp
    Timestamp is less than or equal to this value.

Input fields for searching for a transaction created with a given source.
  • in: [PaymentSource!]
    The transaction source is one of these values.

Input fields for searching for a transaction with a given status.

Transaction status transition times.

Input fields for searching for specific values.
  • is: String
    Field is exactly this value.
  • in: [String!]
    Field is one of these values.

Input fields for searching for a verification with a given status.

Input fields indicating a selected financing option by a PayPal buyer.
  • term: Int!
    Total number of payments over which to finance the transaction.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha!
    The currency code for the monthly payment and discount amount.
  • monthlyPayment: Amount!
    The amount for each monthly payment.
  • discountPercentage: Percentage
    The percent discount off the total transaction amount due to the selected financing option.
  • discountAmount: Amount
    The amount reduced from the total transaction amount.

Input fields for local payment tax information.
  • identifier: String!
    The payer's tax identifier value.
  • type: TaxInfoType!
    The payer's tax identifier type.

Input fields for passing auxillary 3D Secure information manually, as opposed to tokenized on a single-use payment method ID.
  • authenticationId: String
    Braintree unique ID of the 3D Secure authentication performed for this transaction. You will only need to use this field if you are charging or authorizing a vaulted payment method ID.
  • passThrough: ThreeDSecurePassThroughInput
    Results of a merchant-performed 3D Secure authentication. You will only need to use these fields if you've performed your own integration with a 3D Secure MPI provider (e.g. Cardinal Centinel). Otherwise, Braintree's SDKs handle this for you in our standard 3D Secure integration.
  • required: Boolean
    Specify whether to require 3D Secure verification to succeed before creating a transaction. Defaults to true for transactions sent through 3D Secure verification but to false for transactions not sent through 3D Secure verification.

The billing address of the cardholder sent with 3D Secure Lookup requests.
  • givenName: String
    The given (first) name associated with the billing address used for verification.
  • surname: String
    The surname (last name) associated with the billing address used for verification.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The billing phone number used for verification.
  • line1: String
    Line 1 of the billing address used for verification.
  • line2: String
    Line 2 of the billing address used for verification.
  • line3: String
    Line 3 of the billing address used for verification.
  • locality: String
    City or locality of billing address used for verification.
  • region: String
    State or region of billing address used for verification.
  • countryCode: String
    Country code of billing address used for verification.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code of billing address used for verification.

Information about the cardholder's browser.
  • javaEnabled: Boolean
    Whether the cardholder browser can execute Java.
  • javascriptEnabled: Boolean
    Whether the cardholder browser can execute JavaScript.
  • acceptHeader: String
    The exact content of the HTTP accept headers sent from the cardholder's browser.
  • language: String
    The browser language as defined in IETF BCP47.
  • colorDepth: Int
    The bit depth of the color palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel.
  • screenHeight: Int
    Total height of the cardholder's screen in pixels.
  • screenWidth: Int
    Total width of the cardholder's screen in pixels.
  • timeZone: Int
    Time difference between UTC time and the cardholder browser local time, in minutes.
  • userAgent: String
    The exact content of the HTTP user agent header.

Additional information about the cardholder when authenticating through 3D Secure.

Information about the client side lookup process.
  • sdkVersion: String
    Version of the Braintree client-side SDK being used.
  • requestedThreeDSecureVersion: String
    Version of 3D Secure requested when performing the lookup.
  • issuerDeviceDataCollectionMillisecondsElapsed: Int
    Number of milliseconds taken for the issuer to collect device data.
  • issuerDeviceDataCollectionResult: Boolean
    Whether device data collection by the issuer succeeded.
  • threeDSecureServerDeviceDataCollectionMillisecondsElapsed: Int
    Number of milliseconds taken for the 3D Secure server to collect device data.

The shipping address of the transaction to be sent with 3D Secure Lookup requests.
  • givenName: String
    The given (first) name associated with the shipping address used for verification.
  • surname: String
    The surname (last name) associated with the shipping address used for verification.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The shipping phone number used for verification.
  • line1: String
    Line 1 of the shipping address used for verification.
  • line2: String
    Line 2 of the shipping address used for verification.
  • line3: String
    Line 3 of the shipping address used for verification.
  • locality: String
    City or locality of shipping address used for verification.
  • region: String
    State or region of shipping address used for verification.
  • countryCode: String
    Country code of shipping address used for verification.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code of shipping address used for verification.

Additional information about the transaction when authenticating through 3D Secure.
  • email: String
    The email associated with the transaction.
  • shippingMethod: ThreeDSecureLookupShippingMethod
    Indicates the shipping method chosen for the transaction in the 3D Secure lookup.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The phone number associated with the transaction.
  • shippingAddress: ThreeDSecureLookupShippingAddressInput
    The shipping address for the transaction.
  • workPhoneNumber: String
    The work phone number associated with the transaction.
  • transactionType: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationTransactionType
    Indicates the type of transaction.
  • deliveryTimeframe: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationDeliveryTimeframe
    Indicates the delivery timeframe if applicable.
  • deliveryEmail: String
    For electronic delivery, email address to which the product was delivered.
  • shippingType: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationShippingType
    Indicates shipping type chosen for the transaction.
  • productCode: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationMerchantProductCode
    Merchant product code.
  • reorderIndicator: Boolean
    Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering merchandise purchased in a previous order.
  • preorderIndicator: Boolean
    Indicates whether cardholder is placing an order with a future availability or release date.
  • preorderDate: Date
    Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available.
  • giftCardAmount: Amount
    The purchase amount total for prepaid gift cards.
  • giftCardCurrencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    ISO 4217 currency code for the gift card purchased.
  • giftCardCount: Int
    Total count of individual prepaid gift cards purchased.
  • accountCreatedDuringTransaction: Boolean
    Indicates whether the cardholder created the account during this transaction.
  • accountCreateDate: Date
    Date the cardholder opened the account.
  • accountChangedDuringTransaction: Boolean
    Indicates whether the cardholder changed the account during this transaction. This includes changes to the billing or shipping address, new payment accounts or new users added.
  • accountChangeDate: Date
    Date the cardholder's account was last changed. This includes changes to the billing or shipping address, new payment accounts or new users added.
  • accountPasswordChangedDuringTransaction: Boolean
    Indicates whether the cardholder changed or reset the password on the account during this transaction.
  • accountPasswordChangeDate: Date
    Date the cardholder changed or reset the password on the account.
  • firstUseOfShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether this transaction represents the first use of this shipping address.
  • shippingAddressFirstUsageDate: Date
    Date when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used.
  • transactionCountDay: Int
    Number of transactions (successful or incomplete) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.
  • transactionCountYear: Int
    Number of transactions (successful or incomplete) for this cardholder account within the last year.
  • addCardAttempts: Int
    Number of attempts that have been made to add a card to this account in the last 24 hours.
  • accountPurchases: Int
    Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months.
  • suspiciousActivityObserved: Boolean
    Indicates whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the account.
  • accountNameMatchesShippingName: Boolean
    Indicates if the cardholder name on the account is identical to the shipping name used for the transaction.
  • paymentMethodAddedDuringTransaction: Boolean
    Indicates whether the payment method was added to the cardholder account during this transaction.
  • paymentMethodAddedToAccountDate: Date
    Date the payment method was added to the cardholder account.
  • acsWindowSize: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationAcsWindowSize
    An override field that a merchant can pass in to set the challenge window size to display to the end cardholder. The ACS will reply with content that is formatted appropriately to this window size to allow for the best user experience. The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser window.
  • sdkMaxTimeout: Int
    This field indicates the maximum amount of time for all 3DS 2.0 messages to be communicated between all components (in minutes). Minimum is 05. Defaults to 15.
  • billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether cardholder billing and shipping addresses match.
  • accountId: String
    Additional cardholder account information.
  • ipAddress: String
    The IP address of the cardholder. Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported.
  • orderDescription: String
    Brief Description of items purchased.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    Tax amount.
  • browserInformation: ThreeDSecureLookupBrowserInformationInput
    Information about the cardholder's browser.
  • installment: Int
    Indicates the maximum number of authorizations for installment payments. An integer value greater than 1 indicating the maximum number of permitted authorizations for installment payments.
  • purchaseDate: Timestamp
    Datetime of original purchase.
  • recurringEnd: Date
    The date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed.
  • recurringFrequency: Int
    Integer value indicating the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations. A frequency of monthly is indicated by the value 28. Multiple of 28 days will be used to indicate months. Example: 6 months = 168.
  • deviceChannel: ThreeDSecureDeviceChannel
    The channel for the transaction.

3RI (3DS Requester Initiated) request.

Results of a merchant-performed 3D Secure authentication.
  • eciFlag: ECommerceIndicator!
    The value of the electronic commerce indicator (ECI) flag, which indicates the outcome of the 3D Secure authentication.
  • cavv: String
    Cardholder authentication verification value or CAVV. The main encrypted message issuers and card networks use to verify authentication has occurred. Mastercard uses an AVV (Authentication Verification Value) message and American Express uses an AEVV (American Express Verification Value) message, each of which should also be passed in the cavv parameter.
  • xId: String
    Transaction identifier resulting from 3D Secure authentication. Uniquely identifies the transaction and sometimes required in the authorization message. Must be base64-encoded. This field will no longer be used in 3D Secure 2 authentications.
  • threeDSecureServerTransactionId: String
    3D Secure server transaction identifier resulting from 3D Secure authentication.
  • version: ThreeDSecureVersion
    The version of 3D Secure authentication used for the transaction. Required on Visa and Mastercard authentications.
  • authenticationResponse: ThreeDSecureStatusCode
    The 3D Secure authentication response status code.
  • directoryServerResponse: ThreeDSecureStatusCode
    The 3D Secure directory server response.
  • cavvAlgorithm: ThreeDSecureCavvAlgorithm
    The algorithm used to generate the CAVV value. This is only returned for Mastercard SecureCode transactions (3DS 1.0).
  • directoryServerTransactionId: String
    A unique identifier for the 3D Secure 2 interaction with the card brand directory server. This field must be supplied for Mastercard Identity Check.

The authentication details of the customer-initiated 3DS performed externally.
  • dsTransactionId: String
    The Directory Server Transaction ID of the customer-initiated 3DS.
  • acsTransactionId: String
    The Access Control Server Transaction ID of the customer-initiated 3DS.
  • authenticationMethod: ThreeDSecurePriorAuthenticationMethod
    Mechanism used to authenticate the customer-initiated 3DS.
  • authenticationTime: Timestamp
    DateTime of the customer-initiated 3DS.

Information about the customer-initiated 3DS.
  • authenticationId: String
    The authenticationId of the customer-initiated 3DS performed at Braintree. 255 characters maximum.
  • authenticationDetails: ThreeDSecurePriorAuthenticationDetailsInput
    The authentication details of the customer-initiated 3DS performed externally. To be sent in lieu of authenticationId.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing a credit card.

Credit card tokenization options.
  • validate: Boolean
    Whether to run validations on credit card fields. Validations are not run by default.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing Custom Actions.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customActionsPaymentMethod: CustomActionsPaymentMethodInput!
    Input fields for a Custom Actions payment method.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing a CVV, otherwise known as CSC or CVC.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • cvv: CVV!
    A 3 or 4 digit card verification value assigned to credit cards. The CVV will never be stored, but it can be provided with one-time requests to verify the card.

Top-level input field for tokenizing a network token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • networkToken: NetworkTokenInput!
    Input fields for a network token object.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing a PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Braintree merchant account ID associated with the PayPal account to be used for the One-Time payment tokenization.
  • billingAgreement: PayPalBillingAgreementInput!
    Input fields for a PayPal Billing Agreement.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing a PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Braintree merchant account ID associated with the PayPal account to be used for the One-Time payment tokenization.
  • paypalOneTimePayment: PayPalOneTimePaymentInput!
    Input fields for a PayPal One-Time Payment.

Top-level input field for tokenizing a Samsung Pay card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • samsungPayCard: SamsungPayCardInput!
    Input fields for a Samsung Pay card.

Top-level input fields for tokenizing a US bank account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • usBankAccount: UsBankAccountInput!
    Input fields for a US bank account object.

Deprecated: US bank logins are no longer supported. Top-level input fields for tokenizing a US bank login.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • usBankLogin: UsBankLoginInput!
    Input fields for a US bank login.

Customer details to be stored on the transaction itself, if the transaction is not associated with a customer. Used for fraud detection purposes.
  • email: String
    Email address for the customer.
  • phoneNumber: String
    Phone number for the customer.

Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.
  • name: String
    The value in the business name field of a customer's statement.
  • phone: String
    The value in the phone number field of a customer's statement.
  • url: String
    The value in the URL/web address field of a customer's statement.

Input for transactions created with credit cards vaulted in an external vault, not the Braintree Vault. Do not use for transactions created from Braintree multi-use payment methods, or from single-use payment methods which will not be stored in an external vault.
  • status: ExternalVaultStatus!
    The credit card's assocation with an external vault.
  • verifyingNetworkTransactionId: String
    The network transaction ID of the first _transaction_ after which this payment method was stored in the external vault. If the `status` is `WILL_VAULT`, do not pass this value; the network transaction ID of the resulting transaction can be passed in this field for _subsequent_ transactions. If the `status` is `VAULTED`, but the customer is directly initiating the charge, do not pass this value.

Input fields for industry data. Only one of the input fields may be provided.

Input fields for creating a transaction.
  • amount: Amount!
    Billing amount of the request. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account. This can only contain numbers and one decimal point (e.g. x.xx). Can't be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Merchant account ID used to process the transaction. Currency is also determined by merchant account ID. If no merchant account ID is specified, we will use your default merchant account.
  • orderId: String
    Additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions.
  • exchangeRateQuoteId: ID
    ID of exchange rate quote to be used for the transaction.
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
    A purchase order identification value you associate with this transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • riskData: RiskDataInput
    Customer device information, which is sent directly to supported processors for fraud analysis.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptorInput
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.
  • paymentInitiator: PaymentInitiator
    The initiator of the payment. Payment can either be merchant-initiated or customer-initiated. If the transaction is an ecommerce transaction initiated by the customer, no value is passed.
  • channel: String
    For partners and shopping carts only. If you are a shopping cart provider or other Braintree partner, pass a string identifier for your service. For PayPal transactions, this maps to paypal.bn_code.
  • customerId: ID
    If charging a single-use payment method, optional ID of a customer to associate the transaction with. If vaulting the single-use payment method, this customer will be associated with the resulting multi-use payment method.
  • shipping: TransactionShippingInput
    Shipping information. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • tax: TransactionTaxInput
    Tax information about the transaction. *Required for Level 2 processing*.
  • discountAmount: String
    Discount amount that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. This value can't be negative. Please note that this field is not used on PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • surchargeAmount: String
    Surcharge amount that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. This value can't be negative. *Required for Visa Rent Discount Program*.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItemInput!]
    Line items for this transaction. Up to 249 line items may be specified. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • vaultPaymentMethodAfterTransacting: VaultPaymentMethodAfterTransactingInput
    When a single-use payment method is used to create this transaction, it can be automatically stored in the vault after transacting. If this field is left blank, the single-use payment method will not be vaulted.
  • customerDetails: TransactionCustomerDetailsInput
    Customer information to be stored on the transaction and used for fraud protection. Use this if you wish to pass customer information on a transaction without creating an independent stored customer record in the vault. This parameter can only be used if you do not pass `customerId`, and if you are not using a vaulted/multi-use payment method. In other words, this field is only valid when the transaction will not be associated with an existing customer. If `vaultPaymentMethodAfterTransacting` is also passed, these values will be used when creating a new customer for the newly-vaulted payment method.
  • processingOverrides: TransactionProcessingOverridesInput
    The values provided will take precedence over any similar fields, and will only be used for processing. These values will not update any similar fields and will not be returned in responses.
  • industry: TransactionIndustryInput
    Industry data information. Only one of the three sub-input fields can be provided.

Data for individual line items on a transaction.
  • name: String!
    Item name. Maximum 35 characters, or 127 characters for PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • kind: TransactionLineItemType!
    Indicates whether the line item is a sale or refund. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • quantity: String!
    Number of units of the item purchased. Can include up to 4 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • unitAmount: String!
    Per-unit price of the item. Maximum 4 decimal places, or 2 decimal places for PayPal transactions. This value can't be negative or zero. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • totalAmount: String!
    Total price amount for the line item: quantity multiplied by unitAmount. Can include up to 2 decimal places. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • unitTaxAmount: String
    Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • taxAmount: String
    Tax amount for the line item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • discountAmount: String
    Amount of discount for the line item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative. Please note that this field is not used on PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • unitOfMeasure: String
    The unit of measure or the unit of measure code. Maximum 12 characters. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 12 characters, or 127 characters for PayPal transactions. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • commodityCode: String
    Code used to classify items purchased and track the total amount spent across various categories of products and services. Different corporate purchasing organizations may use different standards, but the [United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)]( is frequently used. Maximum 12 characters. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • description: String
    Item description. Maximum 127 characters. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • url: String
    A URL to information about the product. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • itemType: String
    The type of the line item, i.e., physical, digital etc.
  • imageUrl: String
    URL to an image that represents the product. Max 1024 characters.
  • upc: LineItemUpcInput
    UPC of the line item.

Data for individual line items for adding package trackers for transactions.
  • name: String!
    Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
  • quantity: String!
    Number of units of the item purchased. Can include up to 4 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • productCode: String
    Product code(SKU) for the item.
  • description: String
    Item description.
  • url: URL
    A URL to information about the product.
  • imageUrl: URL
    URL to an image that represents the product.
  • upc: LineItemUpcInput
    UPC of the line item.

Processing overrides are additional data fields to be used only for processing. Provided values will take precedence over any similar fields(e.g. `processingOverrides.customerEmail` takes precedence over the vaulted customer's email address). However, these values will not update any similar fields (e.g. providing `processingOverrides.customerEmail` will not update a vaulted customer's email address). These values are not returned in responses.
  • customerEmail: String
    Customer's email address to be used by the processor.
  • customerFirstName: String
    Customer's first name to be used by the processor.
  • customerLastName: String
    Customer's last name to be used by the processor.
  • customerTaxIdentifier: String
    Customer's tax identifier to be used by the processor. It is the social security number analogue for the corresponding country.

Input fields for searching for transactions.

Information related to shipping a physical product.
  • shippingAddress: AddressInput
    Shipping destination address information. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • shippingAmount: String
    Shipping cost on the entire transaction. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • shipsFromPostalCode: String
    The postal code of the source shipping location, in any country's format. *Required for Level 3 processing*.
  • shippingMethod: TransactionShippingMethod
    The shipping method.
  • shippingTaxAmount: String
    Shipping tax amount on the entire transaction. *Required for Level 3 processing*.

Information related to taxes on the transaction.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    Amount of tax that was included in the total transaction amount. Does not add to the total amount the payment method will be charged. *Required for Level 2 processing* unless `taxExempt` is `true`.
  • taxExempt: Boolean
    Whether the transaction should be considered eligible for tax exemption. *Required for Level 2 processing*.

Top-level input fields for updating a multi-use credit card to use a new billing address.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The multi-use credit card for which the billing address will be updated or added.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
    The new billing address.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account that will be used when verifying the credit card with the new billing address.
  • verification: CreditCardVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the credit card with the new billing address. By default, a verification will be performed. If the verification fails, the update will not be performed.

Top-level input fields for updating a multi-use credit card to use a new cardholder name.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The multi-use credit card for which the expiration date will be updated or added.
  • cardholderName: String!
    The new cardholder name that will be added to the multi-use credit card.
  • verification: CreditCardVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the credit card with the new billing address. By default, a verification will be performed. If the verification fails, the update will not be performed.

Top-level input fields for updating a multi-use credit card to use a new expiration date.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    The multi-use credit card for which the expiration date will be updated or added.
  • expirationYear: Year
    The new four-digit year associated with a credit card, formatted `YYYY`.
  • expirationMonth: Month
    The new expiration month of a credit card, formatted `MM`.
  • verification: CreditCardVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the credit card with the new billing address. By default, a verification will be performed. If the verification fails, the update will not be performed.

Input for creating or updating custom fields on a transaction or a refund.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • id: ID!
    The ID of the transaction or the refund to update.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]!
    The list of custom fields to update. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.

Top-level field for updating a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customerId: ID!
    ID of the customer to be updated.
  • customer: CustomerInput
    Input fields for the updates to be made on the customer.

Input fields for updating an in-store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • locationId: ID!
    ID of the location to be updated.
  • location: InStoreLocationUpdateInput!
    Input fields to update an in-store location.

Input fields for updating an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • readerId: ID!
    The ID of the in-store reader to update.
  • name: String
    The new name for the in-store reader.
  • locationId: ID
    The new location ID for the in-store reader.

Top-level input fields for a updating a transaction's amount.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    ID of the transaction on which to perform the adjustment.
  • amount: Amount!
    The new total amount to be authorized on a transaction. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account, and cannot be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor.

Deprecated: `UpdateTransactionCustomFields` mutation is no longer supported, please use `UpdateCustomFields` mutation instead. Input for creating or updating custom fields on a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transactionId: ID!
    The ID of the transaction to update.
  • customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]!
    The list of custom fields to update. You must [set up each custom field in the Control Panel]( prior to passing it with a request.

A billing address for a US bank account. This is a subset of the fields required on `AddressInput`.
  • streetAddress: String!
    The street address.
  • extendedAddress: String
    The extended address information—such as an apartment or suite number.
  • city: String!
    The city.
  • state: UsStateCode!
    The state.
  • zipCode: UsZipCode!
    The ZIP code.

The name of the owner of a business US bank account.
  • businessName: String!
    The name of the business that owns the account.

The name of the owner of a personal US bank account.
  • firstName: String!
    The first name of the accountholder.
  • lastName: String!
    The last name of the accountholder.

Input fields for a US bank account object.

Deprecated: US bank logins are no longer supported. Input fields for a US bank login object.
  • publicToken: String!
    The public token returned from the bank login.
  • accountId: String!
    The login provider account ID used for the bank login.
  • accountType: UsBankAccountType!
    The type of account.
  • businessOwner: UsBankAccountBusinessOwnerInput
    Information about the business that owns the account. This should only be specified for business accounts.
  • individualOwner: UsBankAccountIndividualOwnerInput
    Information about the individual that owns the account. This should only be specified for individual accounts.
  • billingAddress: UsBankAccountBillingAddressInput
    The billing address of the account.
  • achMandate: String!
    Language used to prove that you have the customer's explicit permission to debit their bank account.

Options used to indicate when a credit card is externally vaulted.
  • verifyingNetworkTransactionId: String
    For use if this credit card is stored in an external vault. The network transaction ID of the first _transaction_ after which this credit card was stored in the external vault.

Top-level input field for vaulting a credit card so it can be used multiple times.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing single-use credit card payment method to be vaulted.
  • verification: VaultCreditCardVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the credit card before vaulting. By default, a verification will be performed. If the verification fails, the credit card will not be vaulted.
  • externalVault: VaultCreditCardExternalVaultOptionsInput
    Options used to indicate when a credit card is externally vaulted.
  • customerId: ID
    ID of the customer to associate the resulting multi-use payment method with.
  • accountType: CardAccountType
    The type of account to be used when verifying a combo card.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
    A billing address to associate with the vaulted credit card. If billing address data was included when tokenizing the credit card, it will be *merged* with this input value.
  • threeDSecurePassThrough: ThreeDSecurePassThroughInput
    Results of a merchant-performed 3D Secure authentication. You will only need to use these fields if you've performed your own integration with a 3D Secure MPI provider (e.g. Cardinal Centinel). Otherwise, Braintree's SDKs handle this for you in our standard 3D Secure integration.
  • threeDSecureAuthenticationId: String
    ID of 3D Secure authentication performed using the Braintree SDK.
  • riskData: RiskDataInput
    Customer device information, which is sent directly to supported processors for fraud analysis.
  • makeDefault: Boolean
    This option makes the specified payment method the default for the customer.
  • failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod: Boolean
    If this option is passed and the same payment method has already been added to the Vault for any customer, the request will fail. This option will be ignored for Apple pay, Google pay, and Samsung pay payment methods.

Input fields that specify options for verifying the vaulted credit card.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the credit card. The verification will use the default merchant account if this field is left blank.
  • skip: Boolean
    Whether to opt out of verifying the credit card. Defaults to `false` for credit cards that support verification. Clients should only pass `true` in the uncommon scenario that the credit card has been verified externally to Braintree.
  • amount: Amount
    The amount to use to verify the credit card.
  • fraudTools: CreditCardFraudToolsOptionsInput
    Control which fraud tools will be applied to this transaction. Fraud tools cannot be retroactively applied to a transaction if skipped.

Specifies behavior for vaulting a single-use payment method for an in-store transaction.

Input fields that provide information about the resulting PayPal account.
  • amount: Amount
    The total amount of the order. This will be the limit to how much may be captured on the resulting payment method.
  • customField: String
    Variable passed directly to PayPal for your own tracking purposes. Customers do not see this value.
  • description: String
    Description of the transaction that is displayed to customers in PayPal email receipts.
  • orderId: String
    The PayPal invoice number. It must be unique in your PayPal business account and can contain a maximum of 127 characters. If specified, transactions created from the resulting payment method will have this orderId.
  • shippingAddress: AddressInput
    Shipping destination address information.
  • makeDefault: Boolean
    This option makes the specified payment method the default for the customer.

Top-level input fields for importing and vaulting a PayPal Billing Agreement.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • billingAgreementId: String!
    ID of a PayPal Billing Agreement, that was not created through Braintree, to import and vault.
  • customerId: ID
    Optional ID of the customer to associate the resulting payment method with.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    Optional ID of the merchant account associated with the linked PayPal account to be used to retrieve billing agreement details from PayPal. Only used for merchants with the PayPal multi-account feature enabled in Braintree.
  • indirectPayee: PayPalAccountInput
    The merchant (payee) PayPal account associated with the PayPal Billing Agreement being vaulted. Only used when the specified merchant account is specially configured to handle indirect PayPal accounts.

Specifies behavior for vaulting a single-use payment method after transacting with it.

Top-level input field for vaulting a payment method so it can be used multiple times.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing single-use payment method to be vaulted.
  • verification: PaymentMethodVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields that specify options for verifying the payment method before vaulting. Only applicable if the payment method is of a type that supports verification. For supported types, verification is performed by default. If the verification fails, the payment method will not be vaulted. For additional, payment method-specific verification options, please see other verification mutations such as `verifyCreditCard` or `verifyUsBankAccount`.
  • customerId: ID
    ID of the customer to associate the resulting multi-use payment method with.
  • threeDSecurePassThrough: ThreeDSecurePassThroughInput
    Results of a merchant-performed 3D Secure authentication. You will only need to use these fields if you've performed your own integration with a 3D Secure MPI provider (e.g. Cardinal Centinel). Otherwise, Braintree's SDKs handle this for you in our standard 3D Secure integration.
  • threeDSecureAuthenticationId: String
    ID of 3D Secure authentication performed using the Braintree SDK.
  • riskData: RiskDataInput
    Customer device information, which is sent directly to supported processors for fraud analysis.
  • makeDefault: Boolean
    This option makes the specified payment method the default for the customer.

Top-level input field for vaulting a bank account so it can be used multiple times.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing single-use payment method to be vaulted.
  • verificationMerchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the payment method.
  • customerId: ID
    ID of the customer to associate the resulting multi-use payment method with.
  • verificationMethod: UsBankAccountVerificationMethod!
    Type of US bank account verification to perform.
  • verificationAddOns: [UsBankAccountVerificationAddOn!]
    Type of US bank account verification add ons.
  • makeDefault: Boolean
    This option makes the specified payment method the default for the customer.

Information about a payer's Venmo account.
  • firstName: String
    The payer's first name.
  • lastName: String
    The payer's last name.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The payer's phone number.
  • email: EmailAddress
    The payer's email address.
  • externalId: String
    The external ID of the payer's Venmo account.
  • userName: String
    The username of the payer's Venmo account.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
    The payer's billing address.
  • shippingAddress: AddressInput
    The payer's shipping address.

Input fields for paysheet details.
  • collectCustomerBillingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether to collect a billing address from the customer on the paysheet.
  • collectCustomerShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether to collect a shipping address from the customer on the paysheet.
  • transactionDetails: VenmoPaysheetTransactionDetailsInput
    Input fields for transaction details to be displayed on the Venmo Paysheet.

Line items for a Venmo pay sheet.
  • name: String!
    Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
  • quantity: Int!
    Number of units of the item purchased. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • unitAmount: Amount!
    Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • type: TransactionLineItemType!
    Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund or discount) to the customer.
  • description: String
    Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
  • unitTaxAmount: Amount!
    Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. If this is a line item for a Venmo transaction, this value can be zero.
  • url: URL
    The URL to product information.

Input fields for the transaction details to be displayed on the Venmo Paysheet.
  • subTotalAmount: Amount
    The subtotal amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    The tax amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with exactly two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • discountAmount: Amount
    The total discount applied to the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • shippingAmount: Amount
    The shipping amount for the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • totalAmount: Amount!
    The grand total amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • lineItems: [PayPalLineItemInput!]
    The list of line items belonging to the transaction. Can include up to 249 line items.
  • venmoPaysheetLineItems: [VenmoPaysheetLineItemInput!]
    The list of line items belonging to the pay sheet. Can include up to 249 line items.

Input fields for searching for verifications.

Top-level input field for verifying a credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of the payment method to be verified.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the credit card.
  • options: CreditCardVerificationOptionsInput
    Input fields for verifying a credit card.

Top-level input field for verifying a multi-use payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing multi-use payment method to be verified.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the payment method.

Top-level input field for retrying a verification on a bank account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethodId: ID!
    ID of an existing multi-use payment method to be vaulted.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    ID of the merchant account to use when verifying the payment method.
  • verificationMethod: UsBankAccountVerificationMethod!
    Type of US bank account verification to perform.
  • verificationAddOns: [UsBankAccountVerificationAddOn!]
    Type of US bank account verification add ons.


Top-level field returned when accepting a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • dispute: Dispute
    Information about the dispute that was accepted.

An OAuth access token.
  • accessToken: String
    The access token.
  • refreshToken: String
    The refresh token for getting a new access token.
  • tokenType: OAuthTokenType
    The type of token.
  • expiresAt: String
    Expiration in ISO time format.

Representation of an address.
  • company: String
    Company name.
  • addressLine1: String
    The first line of the street address, such as street number, street name.
  • addressLine2: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment number or suite number.
  • fullName: String
    Full name.
  • adminArea2: String
    A city, town, or village.
  • adminArea1: String
    Highest level subdivision, such as state, province, or ISO-3166-2 subdivison.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    Country code for the address.
  • phoneNumber: String
    Phone number.

Configuration for Apple Pay on iOS.
  • status: ApplePayStatus
    The environment being used for Apple Pay.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2
    The country code of the acquiring bank where the transaction is likely to be processed.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    The merchant's Apple Pay currency code.
  • merchantIdentifier: String
    The merchant identifier that must be supplied when making an Apple Pay request.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Apple Pay.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Apple Pay.
  • paymentInstrumentName: String
    A human-readable description of the Apple Pay payment method. This usually consists of the Apple Pay card type and its last four digits. If there is no underlying credit card, this will describe the customer's payment method and the parent CreditCardDetail object's last4 field will be null.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Configuration for Apple Pay on web.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2
    The merchant's Apple Pay country code.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    The merchant's Apple Pay currency code.
  • merchantIdentifier: String
    The merchant identifier that must be supplied when making an Apple Pay request.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Apple Pay.

Information about the [customer authentication regulation environment]( that applies to the payment method when processed with the provided merchant account.
  • merchantAccountId: String
    The merchant account used to determine authentication insight.
  • customerAuthenticationRegulationEnvironment: CustomerAuthenticationRegulationEnvironment
    The customer authentication regulation environment that applies when transacting with this payment method and merchant account.
  • customerAuthenticationIndicator: CustomerAuthenticationIndicator
    A value indicating when to perform further customer authentication.

Records of authorization adjustments performed when a transaction is captured for less or more than its original authorization amount.

Accompanying information for an authorization expired transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the authorization for this transaction was marked expired.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.

Accompanying information for an authorized transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was authorized.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount the transaction was authorized for. This will match the amount on the transaction itself. In most cases, you can't request to settle more than this amount.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionAuthorizationProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response to the authorization request.
  • networkResponse: PaymentNetworkResponse
    Fields describing the network response to the authorization request.
  • riskDecision: RiskDecision
    Risk decision for this transaction.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • authorizationExpiresAt: Timestamp
    The date/time the transaction will expire if it has the authorized status. For more details on authorization expiration timeframes, see the [Statuses reference](
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Information about the credit card based on its BIN.
  • prepaid: BinRecordValue
    Whether or not the card is prepaid, such as a gift card.
  • healthcare: BinRecordValue
    Whether the card is designated only to be used for healthcare expenses.
  • debit: BinRecordValue
    Whether or not the card is a debit card.
  • durbinRegulated: BinRecordValue
    Whether the card is regulated by the Durbin Amendment due to the bank's assets, and therefore has a maximum interchange rate.
  • commercial: BinRecordValue
    Whether or not the card is a commercial card and capable of processing Level 2 transactions.
  • payroll: BinRecordValue
    Whether or not the card is designated for employee wages.
  • issuingBank: String
    The name of the bank that issued the card.
  • countryOfIssuance: CountryCode
    The country code of the country that issued the card.
  • productId: String
    A code representing any special program from the card issuer the card is part of.

Configuration for payment methods in legacy clients.
  • url: String
    The URL for tokenizing payment methods.
  • accessToken: String
    The authentication for tokenizing payment methods.

Record of onboarding request.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier generated by PayPal for the onboarding request.
  • merchantAccount: MerchantAccount
    Information about the merchant account that is being created as a result of the request.
  • creationStatus: AccountCreationStatus
    The account creation status for this account.
  • completedAt: Timestamp
    The completion date and time of the merchant account application.
  • submittedAt: Timestamp
    The submitted date and time of the merchant account application.

A paginated list of BusinessAccountCreationRequests.

A BusinessAccountCreationRequest within a BusinessAccountCreationRequestConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This BusinessAccountCreationRequest's location within the BusinessAccountCreationRequestConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: BusinessAccountCreationRequest
    The business account creation request.

Additional information about a card present payment method supplied by an in-store payment reader.
  • authorizationMode: InStoreReaderAuthorizationMode
    The authorization mode used to perform the transaction on the payment reader.
  • pinVerified: Boolean
    An indicator for whether the transaction was verified via pin.
  • inputMode: PaymentReaderInputMode
    The input mode used on the payment reader to facilitate an in-store transaction.
  • terminalId: String
    The ID of the terminal that was processed this transaction.

A partial capture's relationship to its original authorization transaction.
  • parentAuthorization: Transaction
    The original authorization whose funds have been partially captured.

Top-level fields returned from the client configuration query.

Analytics data provided by a client SDK.
  • platform: String
    Name of the platform.
  • sessionId: String
    Session ID on the device.
  • version: String
    Version of the client SDK.
  • integration: String
    Name of the client SDK integration type (e.g. dropin or custom).

Top-level output field from confirming micro-transfer amounts on bank account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to vaulting.
  • status: ConfirmMicroTransferAmountsStatus
    The status of the micro-transfer amounts confirmation.

Top-level fields returned when creating a client token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • clientToken: String
    A Base64 encoded string used to initialize client SDKs.

Top-level fields returned when creating a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customer: Customer
    Information about the customer that was created. Can be used when vaulting payment methods or creating transactions to associate those objects.

Top-level field returned when creating file evidence for a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • evidence: DisputeFileEvidence
    The evidence object created.
  • dispute: Dispute
    Information about the dispute the evidence is attached to.

Top-level field returned when creating text evidence for a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • evidence: DisputeTextEvidence
    The evidence object created.

Top-level fields returned when creating a firmware update schedule.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • schedule: InStoreFirmwareUpdateSchedule
    An in-store firmware update schedule.

Top-level fields returned when creating an in-store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • location: InStoreLocation
    The in-store location.

The result of a request to make a local payment context.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentContext: LocalPaymentContext
    Details about the local payment context.

Details about OAuth client secret created for merchant.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • secret: String
    The client secret value.

Top-level fields returned from setting up a PayPal Billing Agreement Token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • billingAgreementToken: ID
    The Billing Agreement token.
  • approvalUrl: URL
    The URL for getting user approval of the PayPal Billing Agreement.

Top-level fields returned from setting up a PayPal One-Time Payment.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • approvalUrl: URL
    The URL for getting user approval of the PayPal payment.
  • paymentId: String
    The PayPal payment ID / order ID.

Top-level output field from creating a transaction package tracker.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • packageTracker: TransactionPackageTracker
    The package tracker created during the request.
  • transaction: Transaction
    The representing of the transaction for which the tracker was added.

Top-level fields returned when creating a universal access token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • accessToken: AccessToken
    The created universal access token.

Configuration for credit card tokenization.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for credit card processing.
  • challenges: [Challenge!]
    A list of challenges that are required by the merchant to process a given credit card.
  • threeDSecure: ThreeDSecureConfiguration
    Configuration for 3D Secure.
  • fraudDataCollectionEnabled: Boolean
    Whether or not fraud data collection is enabled for the merchant.

Details about a credit card.
  • brandCode: CreditCardBrandCode
    A static code identifying the card brand.
  • last4: String
    The last four digits of the card number.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card number, known as the Bank Identification Number. If this card originates from a third party such as a wallet provider, this BIN may not be present and the PaymentMethodOriginDetails will contain a BIN instead.
  • binData: BinRecord
    Information about the card based on its BIN.
  • expirationMonth: String
    The month of the expiration date, formatted MM.
  • expirationYear: String
    The year of the expiration date, formatted YYYY.
  • cardholderName: String
    The cardholder's name.
  • uniqueNumberIdentifier: String
    An identifier that uniquely represents any credit card number, for cards stored in a merchant's vault. If the same credit card is added to a merchant's vault multiple times, each will have the same identifier. This identifier will only be returned if the field "origin" is null.
  • origin: PaymentMethodOrigin
    Additional information if the credit card was provided from a third-party origin, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or another digital wallet.
  • billingAddress: Address
    The billing address associated with the credit card.
  • threeDSecure: ThreeDSecureDetails
    3D Secure information for the payment method.
  • cardOnFileNetworkTokenized: Boolean
    Indicates whether the card on file is network tokenized.

Credit card specific details on a transaction or verification.
  • creditCard: CreditCardDetails
    The details of the credit card itself.
  • networkTransactionId: String
    The network transaction identifier provided by the payment network. If this transaction was created in order to verify a payment method before storing it in an external vault, then this value can be pased when creating subsequent transactions with the same payment method.
  • accountType: CardAccountType
    For combo cards, what account type was used for this specific transaction.
  • acquirerReferenceNumber: String
    Reference value assigned to a card transaction once it has been processed.
  • processedWithCardOnFileNetworkToken: Boolean
    Indicates whether the transaction was processed with a card on file network token.
  • accountBalance: MonetaryAmount
    The remaining balance in the account after this transaction. This field is only returned for payment methods such as prepaid cards.

Information specific to verifications of credit card payment methods.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount used when performing the verification. May be 0.

Top-level fields returned from a Custom Actions payment context.
  • id: ID!
    The identifier of the payment context.
  • createdAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was created.
  • updatedAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was updated.
  • customFields: [CustomActionsPaymentContextField!]
    A list of fields stored on a PaymentContext during execution of a Custom Actions handler (Five (5) entries maximum).

Fields returned by the createPaymentContext custom actions event handler.
  • name: String!
    An alphanumeric string used as a key to lookup a CustomField value (255 characters maximum).
  • value: String!
    An alphanumeric string used to store a CustomField value (7168 characters maximum).

Details about a custom actions payment method.

Fields that are provided during tokenization and are presented to the invoked action to be consumed.
  • name: String
    The name of this field, e.g. "accountNumber".
  • displayValue: String
    The value displayed in the Control Panel or API, e.g. "*****6789".

A merchant-defined custom field to store additional information.
  • name: String
    The name of the custom field.
  • value: String
    The value of the custom field.

Information about a customer and their associated payment methods and transactions.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • company: String
    Company or business name associated with this customer.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the customer was created.
  • customFields: [CustomField!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel](
  • defaultPaymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    Customer's default payment method.
  • email: String
    Email address for this customer.
  • firstName: String
    Customer's first name.
  • lastName: String
    Customer's last name.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The phone number for this customer.
  • fax: String
    Customer's fax.
  • website: String
    Customer's website.
  • paymentMethods: PaymentMethodConnection
    Payment methods belonging to this customer.
  • transactions: TransactionConnection
    Transactions associated with this customer. This includes transactions created by charging a vaulted payment method that belongs or belonged to the customer, or by passing a customer ID when charging a single-use payment method.

A paginated list of customers.

A customer within a CustomerConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This customer's location within the CustomerConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Customer
    The customer.

Top-level output field from deleting a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Top-level field returned when deleting evidence from a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Top-level fields returned when deleting an in-store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Details about OAuth client secret delete operation.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Top-level output field from deleting a payment method referenced by a single-use token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Top-level output field from deleting a multi-use payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.

Details about OAuth client secret disable operation.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • oauthClientSecret: OAuthClientSecret
    OAuth Client Secret details.

Payload from disabling a Product for a Merchant.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • product: Product
    Product that was disabled.

Details about the disbursement bank account.
  • last4: String
    The last four digits of the bank account number.
  • routingNumber: String
    The routing number of the bank.

Disbursement details contain information about how and when the transaction was disbursed, including timing and currency information. This field is only available if you have an eligible merchant account.
  • date: Date
    The date that the funds associated with this transaction were disbursed.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    Amount of money disbursed in the settlement currency, which may be different than the transaction's [presentment currency](
  • exchangeRate: String
    The exchange rate from the presentment currency to the settlement currency. If the currencies are the same, this will be 1.
  • fundsHeld: Boolean
    Indicates whether funds have been withheld from a disbursement to the merchant's account.

[A case raised by a customer to either request information about or to challenge a charge]( These are initiated via a customer's payment provider, such as their bank, and require a merchant to provide evidence or further information.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • amountDisputed: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of money from the original charge that the customer is disputing. Can be 0. This amount is debited from a merchant's account and held in a third-party account until the dispute is resolved, at which time it is sent to either the merchant or customer.
  • amountWon: MonetaryAmount
    If an amount was disputed, the amount of money awarded back to the merchant if the dispute was reversed.
  • caseNumber: String
    The case number for the dispute.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the dispute was created.
  • receivedDate: Date
    Date the dispute was received by the merchant.
  • referenceNumber: String
    The transaction reference number for the dispute.
  • responseDeadline: Timestamp
    The deadline for the merchant to submit a response to the dispute.
  • replyByDate: Date
    The reply by date for the merchant to submit a response to the dispute.
  • type: DisputeType
    The type of dispute.
  • evidence: [DisputeEvidence!]
    Evidence records submitted by the merchant for the dispute.
  • originalDispute: Dispute
    If this dispute is a follow-up to a previous chargeback or retrieval, the original dispute.
  • processorResponse: DisputeProcessorResponse
    Additional information from the payment processor.
  • status: DisputeStatus
    The status of the dispute.
  • statusHistory: [DisputeStatusEvent!]
    A log of history events containing status changes by date for this dispute.
  • transaction: Transaction
    The disputed transaction which the customer is either requesting further information on or challenging.
  • protectionLevel: DisputeProtectionLevel
    The protection level of the dispute.
  • preDisputeProgram: PreDisputeProgram
    The pre-dispute program of the dispute.

A paginated list of disputes.

A dispute within a DisputeConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This dispute's location within the DisputeConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Dispute
    The dispute.

Images, files, or other evidence supporting a dispute case.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the evidence was created with Braintree.
  • sentToProcessorAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the evidence was sent to the processor.
  • url: String
    A URL where you can retrieve the dispute evidence.
  • category: DisputeEvidenceCategory
    The evidence category.

Information about the dispute provided by the processor.
  • processorComments: String
    Additional comments forwarded by the processor.
  • reason: DisputeReason
    The reason the dispute was created.
  • reasonCode: String
    The reason code provided by the processor.
  • reasonDescription: String
    The reason code description based on the `reasonCode`.
  • receivedDate: Date
    Date the dispute was received by the merchant.
  • referenceNumber: String
    The string value representing the reference number provided by the processor (if any).

A record of a status the dispute has passed through.
  • disbursementDate: Date
    The date any funds associated with this event were disbursed.
  • status: DisputeStatus
    The status of the dispute.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the status event occurred.
  • effectiveDate: Date
    The date the status event took effect.

Text evidence supporting a dispute case.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the evidence was created with Braintree.
  • sentToProcessorAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the evidence was sent to the processor.
  • content: String
    The body for text evidence.
  • category: DisputeEvidenceCategory
    The evidence category.

Additional information about an integrated circuit card (ICC) payment method supplied by an in-store payment reader.
  • authorizationMode: InStoreReaderAuthorizationMode
    The authorization mode used to perform the transaction on the payment reader.
  • pinVerified: Boolean
    An indicator for whether the transaction was verified via pin.
  • inputMode: PaymentReaderInputMode
    The input mode used on the payment reader to facilitate an in-store transaction.
  • terminalId: String
    The ID of the terminal that was processed this transaction.
  • applicationPreferredName: String
    The preferred name associated with the application used to process an EMV transaction.
  • applicationIdentifier: String
    The identifier specifying which EMV application was used to process the transaction.
  • terminalVerificationResult: String
    A status code representing the result of a series of validations performed against an EMV enabled credit card.
  • cardSequenceNumber: String
    A unique identifier for credit cards that share the same PAN.
  • applicationInterchangeProfile: String
    An indicator of the credit card's capabilities within the processing application.
  • terminalTransactionDate: String
    The local date that the transaction requested authorization from the payment reader, formatted YYMMDD.
  • terminalTransactionType: String
    An indicator of the type of transaction specified during authorization processing.
  • cashbackAmount: String
    An additional amount associated with the transaction that represents the cashback amount requested by the cardholder.
  • applicationUsageControl: String
    An indicator used to specify an issuer's restrictions for processing in a geographic region.
  • terminalCountryCode: String
    The country code indicated by the payment reader to process the transaction with.
  • applicationCryptogram: String
    The cryptogram provided by an integrated circuit card (ICC) used for processing the transaction.
  • cryptogramInformationData: String
    An indicator for the type of application cryptogram provided by an integrated circuit card (ICC) to process the transaction.
  • cardholderVerificationMethodResults: String
    An indicator of the cardholder verification method and if it was successful or unsuccessful.
  • applicationTransactionCounter: String
    A counter managed by an integrated circuit card (ICC) that provides a reference to each transaction using that card.
  • unpredictableNumber: String
    A value used to uniquely differentiate an application cryptogram used during authorization processing.
  • issuerActionCodeDefault: String
    An indicator of the conditions that caused a transaction to be offline declined by the issuer, in a scenario where the transaction may have authorized if the payment reader made a processor request but was unable to.
  • issuerActionCodeDenial: String
    An indicator of the conditions that caused a transaction to be offline declined by the issuer, in a scenario where the payment reader did not attempt to make a processor request.
  • issuerActionCodeOnline: String
    An indicator of the conditions that caused the payment reader to attempt to make a processor request.

Payload from enabling a Product for a Merchant.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • product: Product
    Product that was enabled.

Details of the generated exchange rate quote.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier, which must be passed in the payment request in order to honor the exchange rate during settlement.
  • baseAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount in the `baseCurrency` to be converted to the `quoteCurrency`. If no amount was provided, then this amount is 1 unit of `baseCurrency`.
  • quoteAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount in the `quoteCurrency` converted from the `baseCurrency`. If no amount was provided, then this amount is converted from 1 unit of `baseCurrency`, which will be the same as `exchangeRate` after rounding-off.
  • exchangeRate: ExchangeRate
    This much of `quoteCurrency` is required to buy 1 unit of `baseCurrency`. This includes merchant `markupPercentage` if any. If a `markupPercentage` is specified, this field will be the sum of that percentage and the `tradeRate`.
  • tradeRate: ExchangeRate
    This is the rate at which PayPal will settle with the merchant.
  • expiresAt: Timestamp
    When the exchange rate quote represents expires.
  • refreshesAt: Timestamp
    When the exchange rate quote represents will be refreshed.

Exchange rate quotes for a specific customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • quotes: [ExchangeRateQuote!]
    Exchange rate quote details for each base and quote currency combination.

Fields capturing information about a third party that provided payment information for this transaction via the Grant API, Shared Vault, or Google Pay.
  • oauthApplication: OAuthApplication
    The OAuth application that owns the payment information used to create the transaction.

Accompanying information for a transaction that failed because it could not be successfully sent to the processor.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction failed.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionAuthorizationProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response, or an explanation for the lack thereof.
  • networkResponse: PaymentNetworkResponse
    Fields describing the network response to the authorization request.
  • merchantAdviceCodeResponse: MerchantAdviceCodeResponse
    Fields describing the merchant advice code response to the authorization request.
  • riskDecision: RiskDecision
    Risk decision for this transaction.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Configuration for PayPal Fastlane.
  • enabled: Boolean
    Whether or not Fastlane is enabled for the merchant.

Top-level field returned when finalizing a dispute.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • dispute: Dispute
    Information about the dispute that was finalized.

Configuration for fraud protection provider.
  • merchantId: String
    The merchant ID used by the fraud protection provider to identify the fraud data collection request.
  • name: String
    The name of the fraud provider.

Accompanying information for a gateway rejected transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was rejected by the gateway.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • gatewayRejectionReason: GatewayRejectionReason
    The reason the transaction was rejected, based on your gateway settings.
  • processorResponse: TransactionAuthorizationProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response. Depending on your gateway settings, the AVS and CVV responses may be the reason for the rejection.
  • networkResponse: PaymentNetworkResponse
    Fields describing the network response to the authorization request.
  • merchantAdviceCodeResponse: MerchantAdviceCodeResponse
    Fields describing the merchant advice code response to the authorization request.
  • riskDecision: RiskDecision
    Risk decision for this transaction. If the gatewayRejectionReason is fraud, this may be the reason for the rejection.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • duplicateOf: Transaction
    The original transaction if the gateway rejection reason was `DUPLICATE`.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Coordinates describing a geographic position.
  • latitude: Float
    The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator. A positive value is north of the equator, a negative value is south of the equator.
  • longitude: Float
    The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England. A positive value is east of the prime meridian, a negative value is west of the prime meridian.

Configuration for Google Pay on Android and the web.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2
    The country code of the acquiring bank where the transaction is likely to be processed.
  • displayName: String
    A string used to identify the merchant to the customer.
  • environment: GooglePayEnvironment
    The environment being used for Google Pay.
  • paypalClientId: String
    A string used to identify the merchant's PayPal account when generating a PayPal Closed Loop Token.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Google Pay.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Google Pay.
  • googleTransactionId: String
    A reference ID for the Google transaction.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Details about a Hyperwallet account.
  • userId: String
    The ID of the Hyperwallet account.

Configuration for iDEAL.
  • routeId: String
    The route ID used to process an iDEAL payment.
  • assetsUrl: String
    A URL used to redirect the customer to the bank's web page.

Reference object for an in-store request.

An in-store context error object.
  • message: String
    The text explanation of the in-store context error.
  • errorCode: String
    A unique code identifying the error, which can be used to look up a [detailed description](

Top-level fields returned when requesting a state change on an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this in-store context request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader associated with the in-store request.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created.

An in-store firmware update schedule.
  • id: String!
    Unique identifier.
  • readerIds: [ID!]
    A list of reader IDs for which the firmware update will be scheduled.
  • scheduledAt: Timestamp
    The date and time to update the firmware on the reader(s). Please note that the update time is approximate, there might be a few minutes delay from the time specified.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    The date and time indicating when the schedule was created.
  • title: String
    The title of the schedule.

An in-store location.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • name: String
    Name of the in-store location.
  • internalName: String
    A merchant-assigned internal name of this location, unique to this merchant.
  • address: InStoreLocationAddress
    The address of the in-store location.
  • geoCoordinates: GeoCoordinates
    The coordinates of this location.
  • payerId: ID
    The PayPal account ID to which this location was added.
  • qrCodePaymentsEnabled: Boolean
    Whether QR code payments will be enabled for this location.

Input fields for an in-store location address.
  • streetAddress: String
    The street address.
  • extendedAddress: String
    Extended address information, such as an apartment or suite number.
  • locality: String
  • region: String
    State or province.
  • postalCode: String
    Postal code in any country's format, otherwise known as CAP, CEP, Eircode, NPA, PIN, PLZ, or ZIP code.
  • countryCode: CountryCode
    Country code for the address.

A paginated list of in-store locations.

An in-store location within an InStoreLocationConnection.
  • cursor: String
    The in-store locations's location within the InStoreLocationConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: InStoreLocation
    The in-store location.

A paginated list of searched in-store locations.

An in-store payment card reader.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • name: String
    Name given to the reader.
  • vendor: InStoreReaderVendor
    Vendor-specific information about the reader.
  • location: InStoreLocation
    The in-store location the reader is attached to.
  • status: ReaderStatus
    Current status of the reader.
  • pairedAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the reader was paired.
  • lastSeenAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the reader last established a connection.
  • offlineSince: Timestamp
    Date and time when the reader last disconnected.
  • softwareVersion: String
    The version of the payment application running on the Reader.

A paginated list of in-store readers.

An in-store reader within an InStoreReaderConnection.
  • cursor: String
    The in-store reader's location within the InStoreReaderConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: InStoreReader
    The in-store reader.

Top-level fields returned for an in-store reader.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader.

Configuration for Kount fraud tools.
  • merchantId: String
    The Kount merchant ID used to identify the fraud data collection request.

A scenario detailing which party assumes liability for certain conditions in the event of a transaction being disputed.

UPC(Universal Product Code) of a line items.
  • upcCode: String
    UPC code for the item. Minimum 6 characters, maximum 17 characters.
  • upcType: UpcType
    UPC type for the item.

The LocalPayment object.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier for the payment context.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • type: LocalPaymentMethodType
    The type of the local payment.
  • approvalUrl: String
    The URL to which a customer should be redirected to approve the local payment.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount charged in this local payment.
  • merchantAccountId: String
    The merchant account used to create the payment context.
  • transactedAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the local payment context was used to create a transaction.
  • approvedAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the local payment context was approved by the customer.
  • createdAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the local payment context was created.
  • updatedAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the local payment context was updated.
  • expiredAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the local payment context was expired.
  • paymentId: String!
    Unique identifier for the local payment.
  • orderId: String
    The PayPal Invoice ID.

Local payment specific details on a transaction.
  • origin: PaymentMethodOrigin
    Additional information about the local payment method provided from a third-party origin, such as PayPal or another regional payment method provider.
  • type: LocalPaymentMethodType
    Regional payment method selected by the customer.
  • displayName: String
    Description of the payment method that can be displayed to customers.
  • implicitlyVaultedPaymentMethodId: String
    Payment method identifier for recurrent local payment.

Configuration for Masterpass.
  • merchantCheckoutId: String
    The Masterpass merchant checkout ID used to identify the merchant in Masterpass requests.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Masterpass.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Masterpass.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Details about a merchant and its current settings.

Information about a merchant account associated with a merchant.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier for the merchant account. Used to determine what merchant account processed or will process a given Payment.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    The ISO code for the currency the merchant account uses.
  • dbaName: String
    Business name of the account.
  • externalId: String
    A unique identifier for this account in external systems.
  • status: MerchantAccountStatus
    The status of a merchant account. This determines whether the merchant account can be used to create a Payment.
  • isDefault: Boolean
    Whether this merchant account is the default for this merchant. The default merchant account is used to process all Payments where a merchant account ID is not specified.
  • paypalAccount: PayPalAccountDetails
    The PayPal account linked with the merchant account.
  • hyperwalletAccount: HyperwalletAccountDetails
    The Hyperwallet account linked with the merchant account.
  • venmoAccount: VenmoAccountDetails
    The Venmo account linked with the merchant account.
  • threeDSecure: MerchantAccountThreeDSecureConfiguration
    The 3D Secure configuration for the merchant account.

A record of a merchant account application.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for the account application. Can be used to query the status of the onboarding request in the future.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique ID.
  • status: ApplicationStatus
    The status of the application.

A paginated list of merchant accounts.

A merchant account within a MerchantAccountConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This merchant account's location within the MerchantAccountConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: MerchantAccount
    The merchant account.

Details about the 3D Secure configuration of the merchant account.

Details about the configuration of a version of 3D Secure for the merchant account.

The Merchant Advice Code response, this field can provide to merchants the reason for declining a recurring payment transaction, and the actions merchants can take to continue to serve their recurring payment customers.
  • code: String
    The merchant advice code, see the [list of possible merchant advice codes](
  • message: String
    The merchant advice code text.

Configuration for Meta Checkout.
  • partnerId: String
    The Meta Checkout partner id.
  • partnerMerchantId: String
    The merchant identifier that must be supplied to Meta when onboarding a merchant for Meta Checkout.
  • supportedContainers: [String!]
    A list of supported container types for Meta Checkout.
  • acquirerCountryCode: String
    The acquirer country code used for Meta Checkout.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Meta Checkout.
  • containerId: String
    A Meta assigned identifier for the transaction.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

A monetary amount with currency.
  • value: Amount
    The amount of money, either a whole number or a number with up to 3 decimal places.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    The currency code for the monetary amount.

The top-level Mutation type. Mutations are used to make requests that create or modify data.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Network Token.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Financial card data from its magnetic stripe, read by an in-store reader.
  • track1: String
    Track 1 data from the non [PCI-scoped]( card.
  • track2: String
    Track 2 data from the non [PCI-scoped]( card.

Information about an OAuth Application.
  • clientId: String
    The unique identifier of the OAuth application.
  • name: String
    The name of the OAuth application.

OAuth Client Secret details.
  • maskedSecret: String
    Masked client secret value.
  • disabled: Boolean
    True if secret is disabled.

The page information for a connection.
  • hasNextPage: Boolean!
    Whether or not there is a next page available.
  • hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
    Always false; backwards pagination is not supported. Present to comply with Relay specifications.
  • startCursor: String
    The cursor for the first item in the connection page.
  • endCursor: String
    The cursor for the last item in the connection page.

An original authorization's relationship to all its partial capture transactions.
  • childCaptures: [Transaction!]
    The captures on a partially captured authorization.
  • totalAmountAuthorized: MonetaryAmount
    The total amount authorized by this transaction. This amount will not change as this transaction is partially captured.

Top-level output field from partially capturing a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • capture: Transaction
    The transaction representing the partial capture.

Details about a PayPal account.
  • billingAgreementId: String
    The ID of the billing agreement for this PayPal account.
  • billingAddress: Address
    The billing address associated with the PayPal account.
  • shippingAddress: Address
    The shipping address associated with the PayPal account.
  • email: String
    The email address associated with the PayPal account.
  • phone: String
    The primary phone number associated with the PayPal account.
  • payerId: String
    The PayPal ID of the PayPal account.
  • firstName: String
    The first name on the PayPal account.
  • lastName: String
    The last name on the PayPal account.
  • cobrandedCardLabel: String
    The label of the co-branded card used as a funding source.
  • origin: PaymentMethodOrigin
    Additional information if the PayPal account was provided from a third-party origin, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or another digital wallet.
  • limitedUseOrderId: String
    Limited use PayPal provided Order ID (starts with O-).
  • selectedFinancingOption: SelectedPayPalFinancingOptionDetails
    Payer's selected financing option at the time of creating a transaction.

Configuration for PayPal.
  • displayName: String
    The merchant's company name for displaying to customers in the PayPal UI.
  • clientId: String
    The merchant's PayPal client ID.
  • assetsUrl: String
    A URL pointing to the base path of Braintree's web pages used for various browser switches and popups.
  • environment: PayPalEnvironment
    The PayPal environment.
  • unvettedMerchant: Boolean
    Whether or not the merchant has been vetted.
  • braintreeClientId: String
    Braintree's PayPal client ID.
  • billingAgreementsEnabled: Boolean
    Whether billing agreements are enabled and should be used instead of future payments.
  • merchantAccountId: String
    The merchant account being used. This affects the currency code and other options.
  • currencyCode: CurrencyCodeAlpha
    The currency code to use.
  • payeeEmail: String
    The email address of the PayPal account that will receive the funds when a transaction is created.

PayPal financing options available for a transaction.

PayPal financing options response payload.

Additional information about the local payment method specific to PayPal.
  • captureId: String
    If funds for the transaction have settled, the PayPal ID for the capture of funds.
  • customField: String
    A string of field/value pairs passed directly to PayPal.
  • paymentId: String
    The identification value of the payment within PayPal's API.
  • transactionFee: MonetaryAmount
    The fee charged by PayPal for the transaction.

PayPal local payment specific refund details.
  • refundId: String
    The PayPal refund ID.
  • refundedFee: MonetaryAmount
    Refunded transaction fee charged by PayPal.

PayPal qualifying financing options for a product.
  • apr: Percentage
    APR percentage.
  • nominalRate: Percentage
    Nominal rate percentage.
  • term: Int
    Total number of payments over which to finance the transaction.
  • intervalDuration: Duration
    The duration between each interval or payment.
  • countryCode: CountryCodeAlpha2
    The country or region for the financing option.
  • creditType: PayPalFinancingOptionCreditType
    Credit type.
  • minimumAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The minimum qualifying amount for a transaction.
  • monthlyInterestRate: Percentage
    The monthly interest rate for this financing option.
  • periodicPayment: MonetaryAmount
    The amount for transaction periodic payments.
  • monthlyPayment: MonetaryAmount
    The amount for transaction monthly payments.
  • discountAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The discount amount on the transaction for this financing option.
  • discountPercentage: Percentage
    The discount percentage for this financing option.
  • totalInterest: MonetaryAmount
    The total interest cost for this financing option.
  • totalCost: MonetaryAmount
    The total amount for the transaction, including interest.
  • paypalSubsidized: Boolean
    Indicates whether the financing option's credit fee is funded by PayPal.

PayPal-specific refund details.
  • refundId: String
    The PayPal refund ID.
  • refundedFee: MonetaryAmount
    Refunded transaction fee charged by PayPal.
  • description: String
    The description of this refund.
  • reason: String
    The reason this refund was created.

PayPal-specific details on a transaction.
  • authorizationId: String
    If the transaction was successfully authorized, the PayPal ID for the authorization.
  • captureId: String
    If funds for the transaction have settled, the PayPal ID for the capture of funds.
  • customField: String
    A string of field/value pairs passed directly to PayPal.
  • payer: PayPalAccountDetails
    Details about the payer or owner of the PayPal account.
  • payee: PayPalAccountDetails
    Details about the PayPal account that received the funds.
  • payerStatus: String
    Whether or not the PayPal account has been verified by PayPal.
  • paymentId: String
    The identification value of the payment within PayPal's API.
  • sellerProtectionStatus: String
    Whether or not the transaction qualifies for PayPal Seller Protection.
  • taxId: String
    Payer's tax ID. Only returned for payments from Brazilian accounts.
  • taxIdType: String
    Payer's tax ID type. Only returned for payments from Brazilian accounts. Allowed values BR_CPF or BR_CNPJ.
  • transactionFee: MonetaryAmount
    The fee charged by PayPal for the transaction.
  • description: String
    Description of the transaction that is displayed to customers in PayPal email receipts.
  • origin: PaymentMethodOrigin
    Additional information if the credit card was provided from a third-party origin, such as Google Pay.
  • selectedFinancingOption: SelectedPayPalFinancingOptionDetails
    Buyer selected financing option at the time of creating a transaction.
  • appUsedForScanning: PayPalRetailAppUsedForScanning
    The application used by the payer to scan the QR code.

Top-level output field from creating a PayPal transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transaction: Transaction
    The transaction representing the charge on the payment method.
  • billingAgreementWithPurchasePaymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    If the paymentMethodId passed to this mutation was a single-use PayPal payment method created with the [Billing Agreement with Purchase flow](, then this field will be populated with a multi-use PayPal payment method created alongside the transaction. Otherwise, this will be null.

A paginated list of transactions and refunds.
  • edges: [PaymentConnectionEdge]
    A list of transactions and refunds.
  • pageInfo: PageInfo!
    Information about the page of transactions and refunds contained in `edges`.

A transaction or refund within a PaymentConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This transaction or refund's location within the PaymentConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Payment
    The transaction or refund.

The [payment-level fee report (formerly known as the transaction-level fee report)]( provides a breakdown of fees per individual payments (encompassing transactions and refunds).
  • url: String
    The URL where the generated report is stored. Download the report from this URL.

Top-level field representing a payment method.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier. May be the same as ID for single-use payment methods.
  • usage: PaymentMethodUsage
    Whether a payment method may be used only once or multiple times.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the payment method was vaulted.
  • details: PaymentMethodDetails
    Details about the payment method specific to the type (e.g. credit card, PayPal account).
  • verifications: VerificationConnection
    A paginated list of verifications that have been run against the payment method.
  • customer: Customer
    The customer that the payment method belongs to.

A paginated list of payment methods.

A payment method within a PaymentMethodConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This payment method's location within the PaymentMethodConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: PaymentMethod
    The payment method.

Information about how the customer provided a payment method, such as via a digital wallet.

The network response. When present, this field can provide additional detail about why an authorization or verification was declined, but the processorResponse should be considered the source of truth.
  • code: String
    The network response code for [authorizations]( or [verifications](
  • message: String
    The network response text.

Line items for a PayPal payment.
  • name: String
    Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
  • quantity: Int
    Number of units of the item purchased. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • unitAmount: Amount
    Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • type: TransactionLineItemType
    Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund or discount) to the customer.
  • description: String
    Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
  • unitTaxAmount: Amount
    Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. If this is a line item for a Venmo transaction, this value can be zero.
  • url: URL
    The URL to product information.
  • imageUrl: URL
    URL to an image that represents the product. Max 1024 characters.
  • upc: LineItemUpc
    UPC of the line item.

Top-level fields returned when performing a 3D Secure Lookup.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • threeDSecureLookupData: ThreeDSecureLookupData
    Data fields containing information from the MPI provider about the 3D Secure Lookup result.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Accompanying information for a processor declined transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was declined by the processor.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • declineType: ProcessorDeclineType
    Whether or not the decline is the result of a temporary issue.
  • processorResponse: TransactionAuthorizationProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response and why they declined the transaction.
  • networkResponse: PaymentNetworkResponse
    Fields describing the network response to the authorization request.
  • merchantAdviceCodeResponse: MerchantAdviceCodeResponse
    Fields describing the merchant advice code response to the authorization request.
  • riskDecision: RiskDecision
    Risk decision for this transaction.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Represents a product that may be enabled.

Payload for requesting access to a product.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • productCode: ProductCode
    Code of product to be requested.

The top-level Query type. Queries are used to fetch data.
  • ping: String!
    Returns the literal string 'pong'.
  • pingInStoreReader: InStoreReader
    • readerId: ID!
    Triggers a beep on a connected Reader and returns the Reader information or an error if unable to ping the device.
  • viewer: Viewer
    The currently authenticated viewer.
  • clientConfiguration: ClientConfiguration
    The client-side environment and payment method configuration.
  • node: Node
    Fetch any object that extends the Node interface using its ID.
  • idFromLegacyId: ID!
    Get a GraphQL ID from a legacy ID that was returned from an SDK or a legacyId field. Does not verify existence except for payment methods.
  • report: Report
    A collection of the available reports. Each field on the `Report` type is a different report that can be queried with its own input parameters.
  • search: Search
    A collection of the available searches. Each field on the `Search` type is a different search that can be queried with its own input parameters.
  • paypalFinancingOptions: PayPalFinancingOptionsPayload
    Retrieve PayPal financing options that include payment installment plans.
  • inStoreLocations: InStoreLocationConnection
    Retrieve a paginated list of all in-store locations.

A refund of a charge on a payment method, representing an attempt to send money from a previous transaction back to the customer.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the refund was created.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount that will be refunded, which can be less than or equal to the original charge amount.
  • orderId: String
    The order ID for this refund. For PayPal transactions, the PayPal Invoice ID.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The current status of this refund.
  • statusHistory: [PaymentStatusEvent!]
    The records of all statuses this refund has passed through, with additional information on why each status occurred. Returned in reverse chronological order, with the most recent event first in the list.
  • details: RefundPaymentMethodDetails
    Payment method specific details about the refund.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    The ID of the merchant account that processed this refund.
  • source: PaymentSource
    How the refund was created.
  • refundedTransaction: Transaction
    The original transaction that this refunds. If this is not present, then this refund represents a refund of a transaction that does not belong to this Braintree gateway account.
  • paymentMethodSnapshot: PaymentMethodSnapshot
    Snapshot of payment method details that will receive the refund, typically based on the original transaction. This will always be present. Equivalent to `refundedTransaction.paymentMethodSnapshot`.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    The multi-use payment method that will receive the refund. Only present if a multi-use payment method was used to create the original transaction and it has not been since deleted. The details of this PaymentMethod may have changed since the transaction was created; details used for the transaction can be found in the `paymentMethodSnapshot` field. Equivalent to `refundedTransaction.paymentMethod` (if present).
  • customer: Customer
    The customer that the vaulted payment method (if it exists) belongs to. Equivalent to `refundedTransaction.customer` (if present).
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItem!]
    Line items for this refund.
  • customFields: [CustomField!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs passed when creating the refund. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel]( For all refunds except "detached refunds", these will always be null.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptor
    Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's statement (for instance, credit card or bank statement) for this refund. This will always match the descriptor from the refunded transaction (if present).
  • disbursementDetails: DisbursementDetails
    The disbursement details associated with this refund. This field is only available after the refund is SETTLED and if you have an eligible merchant account.
  • paymentInitiatedAt: Timestamp
    The refund date and time as reported by the in-store payment terminal.

A paginated list of refunds.

A transaction within a RefundConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This refund's location within the RefundConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Refund
    The refund.

Top-level output field from creating a detached refund for a credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • refund: Refund
    The information about the created refund.

Top-level output field from refunding a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • refund: Refund
    The information about the created refund.

Top-level output field from creating a detached refund for a US Bank Account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • refund: Refund
    The information about the created refund.

Top-level fields returned for a report query.
  • paymentLevelFees: PaymentLevelFeeReport
    • date: Date!
      Report date (UTC).
    • merchantAccountId: ID
    Top-level fields returned in the payment-level fee report query.

Reference object for an in-store reader amount prompt.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this amount prompt request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the amount prompt was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the amount prompt was requested.
  • amountPromptResult: Amount
    The amount collected by the in-store reader.

Reference object for an in-store authorize request.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this authorize request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the authorize was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the authorize was requested. A status of COMPLETE does not indicate a successful payment.
  • transaction: Transaction
    The transaction representing the authorization on the payment method.
  • statusReason: InStoreTransactionContextStatusReason
    The reason for the context status.
  • errors: [InStoreContextError!]
    The list of errors for the failed context.

Reference object for an in-store charge request.

Reference object for an in-store reader confirmation prompt.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this confirmation prompt request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the confirmation prompt was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the confirmation prompt was requested.
  • confirmed: Boolean
    The confirmation response collected by the in-store reader.

Reference object for an in-store display request.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this display request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the display was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the display was requested.

Reference object for an in-store reader firmware update.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this firmware update request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader for which the firmware update was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the firmware update was requested.

Reference object for an in-store reader multi-choice single-select prompt.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this multi-choice single-select prompt request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the multi-choice single-select prompt was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the multi-choice single-select prompt was requested.
  • selections: [Int!]
    A list of choices where '1' signifies selected choices and '0' indicates unselected choices. The original ordering is maintained from the input.

Reference object for an in-store reader non [PCI-scoped]( card data request.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this card data request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the card data was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the card data was requested.
  • cardData: NonPciCardData
    The non-pci data read from the card by the in-store reader.

Reference object for an in-store reader print content.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this print content request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader to which the print request was sent.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the print content was requested.
  • errors: [InStoreContextError!]
    The list of errors for the failed context.

Reference object for an in-store refund request.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this refund request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the refund was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the refund was requested. A status of COMPLETE does not indicate a successful payment.
  • refund: Refund
    The refund representing the refund on the payment method.

Reference object for an in-store reader signature prompt.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this signature prompt request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the signature prompt was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the signature prompt was requested.
  • signatureData: String
    The signature data collected by the in-store reader. Base64 encoded PNG image.

Reference object for an in-store reader text prompt.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this text prompt request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the text prompt was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the text prompt was requested.
  • inputType: InStoreReaderTextPromptType
    The input types available for user input.
  • textPromptResult: String
    The text collected by the in-store reader.

Reference object for an in-store vault request.
  • id: ID!
    A unique ID for this vault request.
  • reader: InStoreReader
    The reader from which the vault was requested.
  • status: InStoreContextStatus!
    The status of the context created when the vault was requested.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A payment method that has been stored in a merchant's vault and can be reused.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to vaulting.

Top-level output field for reversing a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • reversal: TransactionReversal
    A transaction (if the original transaction was voided) or refund (if the original transaction was refunded). A reversal will attempt to void the original transaction if it has not yet settled. If the original transaction has settled, a reversal will create a refund for the full amount.

A right assigned to a user.
  • name: String
    A human-readable name.

Data from advanced risk evaluations.
  • id: ID
    Unique identifier.
  • decision: RiskDecision
    The risk decision on whether the transaction should be permitted.
  • decisionReasons: [String!]
    The reasons for the decision from the fraud service provider.
  • deviceDataCaptured: Boolean
    Whether data associated with the customer's device was captured and used in the decision process.
  • fraudServiceProvider: FraudServiceProvider
    The fraud service provider used to generate the risk decision.
  • liabilityShift: LiabilityShift
    Liability Shift information in the event of a chargeback.
  • score: Int
    The numeric risk score assigned by the fraud service provider.

Groups of rights assigned to the user.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • name: String
    A human-readable name.
  • isAccountAdmin: Boolean
    Whether the role grants account admin status.
  • rights: [Right!]
    The rights associated with the role.

Details about a SEPA Direct Debit account.
  • merchantOrPartnerCustomerId: String
    Merchant or Partner Customer ID.
  • last4: String
    Last 4 characters of IBAN number.
  • bankReferenceToken: String
    Bank reference token.
  • mandateType: MandateType
    Mandate type.

Refund-related details for SEPA Direct Debit transactions.
  • refundId: ID
    The SEPA Direct Debit refund ID.
  • refundedFee: MonetaryAmount
    Refunded transaction fee charged by SEPA Direct Debit.
  • paymentId: String
    PayPal V2 OrderId.

Details about a SEPA Direct Debit account.
  • captureId: String
    If funds for the transaction have settled, the PayPal ID for the capture of funds.
  • transactionFee: MonetaryAmount
    The fee charged by PayPal for the transaction.
  • paymentId: String
    PayPal V2 OrderId.

Details about a Samsung Pay card.
  • brand: String
    The display name of the card brand, e.g. "Visa" or "American Express".
  • brandCode: CreditCardBrandCode
    A static code identifying the card brand of the FPAN (the customer's actual backing card).
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN will differ from the BIN of the source (customer's actual) card.
  • binData: BinRecord
    Information about the card based on its BIN. This BIN will differ from the BIN of the source (customer's actual) card.
  • sourceCardLast4: CreditCardLast4
    The last four digits of the FPAN (the customer's actual backing card).

Configuration for Samsung Pay on Android.
  • displayName: String
    A string used to identify the merchant to the customer.
  • environment: SamsungPayEnvironment
    The Samsung Pay environment.
  • serviceId: String
    The Samsung Pay service ID.
  • samsungAuthorization: String
    Authorization to use when tokenizing Samsung Pay.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Samsung Pay.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Samsung Pay.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Details about a selected financing option by a PayPal buyer.
  • term: Int
    Total number of payments over which to finance the transaction.
  • monthlyPayment: MonetaryAmount
    The amount for each monthly payment.
  • discountPercentage: Percentage
    The percent discount off the total transaction amount due to the selected financing option.
  • discountAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount reduced from the total transaction amount.

Accompanying information for a settled transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was settled.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount the transaction was settled for, in the same currency as the original authorization (aka the "presentment" currency.) If you have elected to settle the transaction into a bank account with a different currency, this will not reflect that.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionSettlementProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • settlementBatchId: String
    The ID of the settlement batch in which the transaction was processed.

Accompanying information for a settlement confirmed transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction became settlement confirmed.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionSettlementProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response to the settlement request.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.

Accompanying information for a settlement declined transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the processor declined to settle this transaction.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionSettlementProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response to the settlement request.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.

Accompanying information for a settlement pending transaction. This typically only occurs for PayPal transactions.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction became settlement pending.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • processorResponse: TransactionSettlementProcessorResponse
    Fields describing the payment processor response to the settlement request.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Accompanying information for a transaction that is settling. This is typically a transient state during which the transaction is being settled with the processor.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction began settling.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the transaction for this status event. This should match the amount submitted for settlement.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.

Accompanying information for a transaction that is submitted for settlement. This status indicates that the transaction is scheduled to be settled.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was submitted for settlement.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount that was submitted for settlement. This can differ from the authorized amount, but by default is the same.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.

Information about the 3D Secure authentication for a payment method.
  • cavv: String
    The cardholder authentication verification value. This value should be appended to the authorization message signifying that the transaction has been successfully authenticated with 3D Secure. This value will be encoded according to the merchant's configuration with CardinalCommerce, with either Base64 or Hex encoding. The decoded value will be of different length and format per card scheme.
  • directoryServerTransactionId: String
    A unique identifier for the 3D Secure interaction with the card brand directory server.
  • eciFlag: ECommerceIndicator
    The electronic commerce indicator.
  • liabilityShifted: Boolean
    A boolean indicating if the card has received liability shift.
  • liabilityShiftPossible: Boolean
    A boolean indicating if the card is eligible for liability shift.
  • cardEnrolled: ThreeDSecureCardEnrolled
    Indicates whether the card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program.
  • authenticationStatus: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationStatus
    The 3D Secure authentication status of the card.
  • version: String
    The version of the 3D Secure protocol used during authentication.
  • xId: String
    A unique identifier for the 3D Secure interaction with the provider.
  • threeDSecureServerTransactionId: String
    A unique identifier for the 3D Secure interaction with the 3D Secure server.
  • acsTransactionId: String
    A unique identifier for the 3D Secure interaction with the access control server.
  • paresStatus: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationStatusIndicator
    Indicates the current status of the 3D Secure authentication from the 3D Secure server for 3D Secure 1.0 authentications.
  • transactionStatus: ThreeDSecureAuthenticationStatusIndicator
    Indicates the current status of the 3D Secure authentication from the 3D Secure server for 3D Secure 2.0 authentications.
  • transactionStatusReason: String
    Indicates the reason for the transaction status. This will be null if status is `SUCCESSFUL_AUTHENTICATION`.

Configuration for 3D Secure.
  • cardinalAuthenticationJWT: String
    Authentication information for initializing Cardinal's songbird.js library.

3D Secure information for the payment method.
  • authentication: ThreeDSecureAuthentication
    Contains relevant data fields if the payment method has been authenticated using 3D Secure. Only available on 3D Secure authenticated single-use payment methods and 3D Secure paymentMethodSnapshots.
  • authenticationInsight: AuthenticationInsight
    Information about the [customer authentication regulation environment]( that applies to the payment method when processed with the provided merchant account. This can be used to determine whether to perform 3D Secure authentication.

Data fields containing information from the MPI provider about the 3D Secure Lookup result.
  • acsUrl: String
    The URL to use to issue a challenge to the cardholder for 3D Secure authentication.
  • authenticationId: String
    Braintree unique ID of the 3D Secure authentication performed for this transaction. You will only need to use this field if you are charging or authorizing a vaulted payment method ID.
  • version: String
    The version of the 3D Secure protocol used in the authentication.
  • pareq: String
    The "PAReq" or "Payment Authentication Request" is the encoded request message used to initiate authentication.
  • md: String
    The unique 3D Secure identifier assigned by Braintree to track the 3D Secure call as it progresses.
  • termUrl: String
    A fully qualified URL that the customer will be redirected to once the authentication completes.
  • transactionId: String
    A unique identifier used by the MPI provider to identify the 3D Secure interaction. The MPI provider provides the framework for determining if a card is enrolled in a 3D Secure program and for facilitating interactions with the issuer.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized credit card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from tokenizing a CustomActionsPaymentMethod.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized CVV.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • tokenizedCvv: TokenizedCvv
    A single-use tokenized CVV.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized Network Token.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized PayPal account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized Samsung Pay card.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

Top-level fields returned from a tokenized US bank account.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.

A single-use, tokenized value representing a CVV (card verification value), otherwise known as CSC or CVC. This cannot be charged or authorized, since it is not a payment method, but it can be used alongside a multi-use credit card payment method.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier for the tokenized CVV.

A charge on a payment method.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was created.
  • paymentMethodSnapshot: PaymentMethodSnapshot
    Snapshot of payment method details used to create the transaction, preserved at the time the transaction was created. This will always be present.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    The multi-use payment method associated with the transaction. Only present if a multi-use payment method was used to create the transaction and it has not been deleted. The details of this PaymentMethod may have changed since the transaction was created; details used for the transaction can be found in the `paymentMethodSnapshot` field.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount charged in this transaction. For transactions that are partially captured, this amount will be the cummulative amount captured on this transaction. For transactions that are partially authorized, the amount will be less than the `initialRequestedAuthorizationAmount`.
  • initialRequestedAuthorizationAmount: MonetaryAmount
    The initial requested authorization amount for this transaction.
  • customFields: [CustomField!]
    Collection of custom field/value pairs. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel](
  • merchantId: String
    The ID of the merchant that processed this transaction.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    The ID of the merchant account that processed this transaction.
  • merchantName: String
    The display name of the merchant that processed this transaction.
  • merchantAddress: Address
    The address of the merchant that processed this transaction.
  • orderId: String
    The order ID for this transaction. For PayPal transactions, the PayPal Invoice ID.
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
    A purchase order identification value you associate with this transaction.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The current status of this transaction.
  • riskData: RiskData
    Risk data evaluated for this transaction.
  • descriptor: TransactionDescriptor
    Fields used to define what will appear on customers' credit card statements for a specific purchase.
  • statusHistory: [PaymentStatusEvent!]
    The records of all statuses this transaction has passed through, with additional information on why each status occurred. Returned in reverse chronological order, with the most recent event first in the list.
  • channel: String
    If the transaction request was performed through a shopping cart provider or Braintree partner, this field will have a string identifier for that shopping cart provider or partner. For PayPal transactions, this maps to the PayPal account's bn_code.
  • source: PaymentSource
    How the transaction was created.
  • customer: Customer
    Customer associated with the transaction, if applicable.
  • shipping: TransactionShipping
    Shipping information.
  • tax: TransactionTaxInformation
    Tax information.
  • scaExemptionRequested: ScaExemptionType
    The type of Strong Customer Authentication Exemption that was requested for this transaction.
  • discountAmount: String
    Discount amount that was included in the total transaction amount.
  • surchargeAmount: String
    Surcharge amount that was included in the total transaction amount.
  • lineItems: [TransactionLineItem!]
    Line items for this transaction.
  • refunds: [Refund!]
    The list of refunds issued against this transaction.
  • partialCaptureDetails: PartialCaptureDetails
    For transactions created or captured using the `partialCaptureTransaction` mutation. This field links a given transaction to its original authorization or all its partial captures.
  • disputes: [Dispute!]
    A collection of disputes associated with the transaction.
  • facilitatorDetails: FacilitatorDetails
    If the transaction request was performed using payment information from a third party via the Grant API, Shared Vault or Google Pay, these fields will capture information about the third party. These fields are primarily useful for the merchant of record.
  • disbursementDetails: DisbursementDetails
    The disbursement details associated with this transaction. This field is only available after the transaction is SETTLED and if you have an eligible merchant account.
  • billingAddress: Address
    The billing address associated with the transaction.
  • authorizationAdjustments: [AuthorizationAdjustment!]
    A collection of AuthorizationAdjustments associated with the transaction.
  • retried: Boolean
    Whether or not the transaction was automatically retried by Braintree's internal systems.
  • retriedParentTransaction: Transaction
    If this transaction is an automatic retry of a previous, failed transaction, this is the parent transaction that was retried.
  • retriedTransactions: [Transaction!]
    If this transaction was automatically retried, this is a collection of all the retry transactions.
  • installmentDetails: TransactionInstallmentDetails
    Installment details associated with the transaction.
  • paymentInitiatedAt: Timestamp
    The transaction date and time as reported by the in-store payment terminal.
  • processingMode: ProcessingMode
    The processing mode of the transaction.
  • partiallyAuthorized: Boolean
    Indicates whether the transaction has been authorized for an amount lower than the requested amount.

Record of processor response data received in response to authorization adjustment requests.
  • legacyCode: String
    The [processor response code]( indicating the result of attempting the adjustment.
  • message: String
    The text explanation of the processor response code.
  • declineType: ProcessorDeclineType
    Whether or not the decline is the result of a temporary issue. Only present if adjustment is declined.

Detailed response information from the processor when attempting to authorize a transaction.
  • legacyCode: String
    A code based on the response from the processor, indicating the result of attempting to authorize this transaction. See the [list of possible processor response codes for authorization](
  • message: String
    The text explanation of the processor response legacyCode.
  • cvvResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided CVV.
  • avsPostalCodeResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided billing postal or zip code.
  • avsStreetAddressResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided billing street address.
  • authorizationId: String
    The processor's unique ID or "code" for the authorization.
  • additionalInformation: String
    If present, any additional information recieved from the processor. May provide further insight into the `legacyCode`.
  • retrievalReferenceNumber: String
    The processor's reference number for the authorization.
  • emvData: String
    Response EMV data provided by the processor if this was an EMV transaction.

A paginated list of transactions.

A transaction within a TransactionConnection.
  • cursor: String
    This transaction's location within the TransactionConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Transaction
    The transaction.

Fields used to define what will appear on a customer's bank statement for a specific purchase.
  • name: String
    The value in the business name field of a customer's statement.
  • phone: String
    The value in the phone number field of a customer's statement.
  • url: String
    The value in the URL/web address field of a customer's statement.

Transaction Installment information.
  • id: ID!
    Installment ID.
  • projectedDisbursementDate: Date
    The projected date for the funds associated with this installment to be disbursed.
  • actualDisbursementDate: Date
    The date that the funds associated with this installment were actually disbursed.
  • amount: Amount
    Installment amount.The total transaction amount is split equally into each installment.
  • adjustments: [TransactionInstallmentAdjustment!]
    List of adjustments associated with the installment.

Adjustment information.
  • projectedDisbursementDate: Date
    The projected date for the funds associated with the adjustements to be disbursed.
  • actualDisbursementDate: Date
    The date that the funds associated with this adjustments were actually disbursed.
  • amount: Amount
    Adjustment amount for the installment.
  • type: TransactionInstallmentAdjustmentType!
    Transaction Installment Adjustment type.

Installment details for the transaction.
  • count: String
    The installment count associated with the transaction.
  • installments: [TransactionInstallment!]
    List of installments associated with the transaction.

The [transaction-level fee report]( provides a breakdown of fees per individual transactions and refunds. This type is no longer in use; see `PaymentLevelFeeReport` instead.
  • url: String
    The URL where you can access the requested report.

Data for individual line items on a transaction.
  • name: String
    Item name.
  • kind: TransactionLineItemType
    Indicates whether the line item is a sale or refund.
  • quantity: String
    Number of units of the item purchased.
  • unitAmount: String
    Per-unit price of the item.
  • totalAmount: String
    Total price amount for the line item, i.e. quantity multiplied by unit amount.
  • unitTaxAmount: String
    Per-unit tax price of the item.
  • taxAmount: String
    Tax amount for the line item.
  • discountAmount: String
    The discount amount of the line item.
  • unitOfMeasure: String
    The unit of measure or the unit of measure code.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item.
  • commodityCode: String
    Code used to classify items purchased and track the total amount spent across various categories of products and services. Different corporate purchasing organizations may use different standards, but the [United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)]( is frequently used.
  • description: String
    Item description.
  • url: String
    The URL to product information.
  • itemType: String
    The type of the line item, i.e., physical, digital etc.
  • imageUrl: String
    URL to an image that represents the product. Max 1024 characters.
  • upc: LineItemUpc
    UPC of the line item.

Data for an individual package tracker on a PayPal transaction.
  • id: ID
    Unique identifier for the tracker.
  • trackingNumber: String
    Tracking number for this package.
  • carrier: String
    Shipping carrier.
  • paypalTrackerId: String
    PayPal assigned identifier for this tracker. This field may not be immediately available, but will be available when querying the transaction at a later time. This field is only available for PayPal transactions.

Top-level output field from creating a transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • transaction: Transaction
    The transaction representing the charge on the payment method.

Detailed response information from the processor when attempting to settle a transaction.
  • legacyCode: String
    A code based on the response from the processor, indicating the result of attempting to settle this transaction. See the [list of possible processor response codes for settlement](
  • message: String
    The text explanation of the processor response legacyCode.

Information related to shipping a physical product.
  • shippingAddress: Address
    Shipping address information.
  • shippingAmount: Amount
    The shipping cost of the entire transaction.
  • shipsFromPostalCode: String
    The postal code of the source shipping location.
  • shippingMethod: TransactionShippingMethod
    The shipping method.
  • packageTrackers: [TransactionPackageTracker!]
    Shipment package trackers for PayPal transactions.
  • shippingTaxAmount: Amount
    Shipping tax amount on the entire transaction.

Information related to taxes on the transaction.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    The amount of tax that was included in the total transaction amount.
  • taxExempt: Boolean
    Whether the transaction should be considered eligible for tax exemption.

Configuration for UnionPay cards.
  • merchantAccountId: String
    The Braintree merchant account ID with UnionPay processing enabled.

Top-level fields returned when updating a multi-use credit card to a new billing address.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    The multi-use payment method which was updated.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to updating the billing address, if present.

Top-level fields returned when updating a multi-use credit card to a new cardholder name.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to updating the cardholder name, if present.

Top-level fields returned when updating a multi-use credit card to a new expiration date.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A single-use payment method.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to updating the expiration date, if present.

Top-level output field from updating custom fields for a specific transaction or a refund.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customFields: [CustomField!]
    A list of all custom fields on the updated transaction or refund. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel](

Top-level fields returned when updating a customer.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customer: Customer
    Information about the customer that was updated.

Top-level fields returned when updating an in-store location.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • location: InStoreLocation
    The in-store location.

Deprecated: `UpdateTransactionCustomFields` mutation is no longer supported, please use `UpdateCustomFields` mutation instead. Top-level output field from updating custom fields for a specific transaction.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • customFields: [CustomField!]
    A list of all custom fields on the updated transaction. Custom fields are [defined in the Control Panel](

Details about the customer's acceptance of ACH terms.
  • acceptanceText: String
    The text the customer agreed to when setting up ACH.
  • acceptedAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the text terms were accepted.

Configuration for US bank account processing.
  • routeId: String
    The route ID used to process a US bank account payment.

Details about a US bank account.
  • accountholderName: String
    The name of the accountholder. This is either the business name for a business account, or the owner's full name for an individual account.
  • accountType: UsBankAccountType
    The bank account type.
  • ownershipType: UsBankAccountOwnershipType
    The ownership type of the account, i.e. business or personal.
  • bankName: String
    The name of the bank at which the account exists.
  • last4: String
    The last four digits of the bank account number.
  • routingNumber: String
    The routing number of the bank.
  • verified: Boolean
    Whether or not the bank account has been verified and can be transacted on.
  • achMandate: UsBankAccountAchMandate
    NACHA-mandated proof of acceptance of ACH terms.

Information specific to verifications of US bank account payment methods.
  • method: UsBankAccountVerificationMethod
    Type of US bank account verification performed.
  • verificationDeterminedAt: Timestamp
    Time at which the verification was determined to be successful or not. If successful, at this time the payment method will be marked `verified` and you will be able to charge it.

Details about the user.

Top-level fields returned when importing and vaulting a PayPal Billing Agreement.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    The vaulted payment method containing the imported PayPal Billing Agreement.

Top-level output field from vaulting a payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    A payment method that has been stored in a merchant's vault and can be reused.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method prior to vaulting.

Details about a Venmo Account.
  • username: String
    The Venmo username, as chosen by the user.
  • venmoUserId: String
    The Venmo user ID.

Configuration for Pay with Venmo.
  • merchantId: String
    The Venmo merchant ID.
  • accessToken: String
    Authorization to use when tokenizing a Venmo payment method.
  • environment: VenmoEnvironment
    The Venmo environment.
  • enrichedCustomerDataEnabled: Boolean
    Indicates whether Enriched Customer Data is enabled for your merchant.

Information about a payer's Venmo account.
  • firstName: String
    The payer's first name.
  • lastName: String
    The payer's last name.
  • phoneNumber: String
    The payer's phone number.
  • email: EmailAddress
    The payer's email address.
  • externalId: String
    The external ID of the payer's Venmo account.
  • userName: String
    The username of the payer's Venmo account.
  • billingAddress: Address
    The payer's billing address.
  • shippingAddress: Address
    The payer's shipping address.

Fields returned from a Venmo payment context.
  • id: ID!
    The unique identifier.
  • merchantId: String
    The ID of the transacting merchant.
  • intent: VenmoIntent
    The intended payment flow this payment context was created with.
  • createdAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was created.
  • updatedAt: Timestamp!
    Date and time when the payment context was updated.
  • status: VenmoPaymentContextStatus
    The status of the payment context.
  • environment: VenmoEnvironment
    The Venmo environment this payment context was created in.
  • isFinalAmount: Boolean
    Indicates whether the purchase amount is the final amount.
  • expiresAt: Timestamp
    Date and time when the payment context expires.
  • paymentMethodId: ID
    The single-use Venmo account payment method ID.
  • clientSDKMetadata: ClientSDKMetadata
    Analytics data of the SDK where the QR code was scanned.
  • userName: String
    Deprecated: This field is included for supporting legacy clients. Please use `payerInfo.userName` instead. The username associated with the payment.
  • paymentMethodUsage: PaymentMethodUsage
    Whether the `paymentMethodId` may be used to make a one time payment (`SINGLE_USE`) or to create a vaulted multi-use payment token (`MULTI_USE`). This field will only be populated when the context was created by the `createVenmoPaymentContext` mutation, it will be `null` if the context was created by the deprecated `createVenmoQRCodePaymentContext` mutation.
  • customerClient: CustomerClient
    Client the customer used to initiate the transaction. This field will only be populated when the context was created by the `createVenmoPaymentContext` mutation, it will be `null` if the context was created by the deprecated `createVenmoQRCodePaymentContext` mutation.
  • merchantProfileId: ID
    An identifier representing the profile of the merchant used to initiate the transaction.
  • parentPaymentContextId: ID
    The unique identifier of the parent payment context. The presence of this field indicates that a customer has previously consented to all future purchases with this merchant, so they should not be asked again for this specific merchant.
  • displayName: String
    The sub-merchant display name shown on the Venmo app consent screen. This field will only be present for PayFast channel partner merchants.
  • payerInfo: VenmoPayerInfo
    Information about the payer's Venmo account.
  • paysheetDetails: VenmoPaysheetDetails
    Details about the information to be displayed on the paysheet.
  • returnUrl: URL
    URL for redirecting back to merchant app on the client.

Top-level fields returned when creating a Venmo payment context.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • venmoPaymentContext: VenmoPaymentContext
    The payment context object.

Details about the information to be displayed on the Venmo paysheet.
  • collectCustomerBillingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether to collect a billing address from the customer on the paysheet.
  • collectCustomerShippingAddress: Boolean
    Indicates whether to collect a shipping address from the customer on the paysheet.
  • transactionDetails: VenmoPaysheetTransactionDetails
    The different amounts and line items belonging to the transaction.

Line items for a Venmo pay sheet.
  • name: String
    Item name. Maximum 127 characters.
  • quantity: Int
    Number of units of the item purchased. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • unitAmount: Amount
    Per-unit price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero.
  • type: TransactionLineItemType
    Indicates whether the line item is a debit (sale) or credit (refund or discount) to the customer.
  • description: String
    Item description. Maximum 127 characters.
  • productCode: String
    Product or UPC code for the item. Maximum 127 characters.
  • unitTaxAmount: Amount
    Per-unit tax price of the item. Can include up to 2 decimal places. This value can't be negative or zero. If this is a line item for a Venmo transaction, this value can be zero.
  • url: URL
    The URL to product information.

Details about the different amounts and line items belonging to a transaction.
  • subTotalAmount: Amount
    The subtotal amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • taxAmount: Amount
    The tax amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • discountAmount: Amount
    The total discount applied to the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • shippingAmount: Amount
    The shipping amount for the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • totalAmount: Amount
    The grand total amount of the transaction. Either a whole number or a number with two decimal places. Must be non-negative.
  • venmoPaysheetLineItems: [VenmoPaysheetLineItem!]
    The list of line items belonging to the Venmo pay sheet. Can include up to 249 line items.

A verification reporting whether the payment method has passed your fraud rules and the issuer has ensured it is associated with a valid account.
  • id: ID!
    Unique identifier.
  • legacyId: ID!
    Legacy unique identifier.
  • paymentMethodSnapshot: PaymentMethodSnapshot
    Snapshot of payment method details that were verified. This will always be present.
  • paymentMethod: PaymentMethod
    The multi-use payment method that was verified, if it was vaulted. The details of this PaymentMethod may have changed since it was verified.
  • merchantAccountId: ID
    The merchant account used for the verification.
  • status: VerificationStatus
    The current status of this verification, indicating whether the verification was successful. Braintree recommends only vaulting payment methods that are successfully verified.
  • processorResponse: VerificationProcessorResponse
    Detailed response information from the processor. Will not be present if the verification was rejected prior to contacting the processor.
  • networkResponse: PaymentNetworkResponse
    Fields describing the network response to the verification request.
  • createdAt: Timestamp
    Date and time at which the verification was created.
  • gatewayRejectionReason: GatewayRejectionReason
    The reason the verification was rejected. This will only be set if status is GATEWAY_REJECTED.
  • riskData: RiskData
    Risk data evaluated for this verification.
  • paymentMethodVerificationDetails: VerificationDetails
    Details unique to the verification based on payment method type being verified.

A paginated list of verifications.

A verification within a VerificationConnection.
  • cursor: String
    The verification's location within the VerificationConnection. Used for requesting additional pages.
  • node: Verification
    The verification.

Detailed response information from the processor.
  • legacyCode: String
    The [processor response code]( indicating the result of attempting the verification.
  • message: String
    The text explanation of the processor response code.
  • cvvResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided CVV.
  • avsPostalCodeResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided billing postal or zip code.
  • avsStreetAddressResponse: AvsCvvResponseCode
    The processing bank's response to the provided billing street address.
  • additionalInformation: String
    If present, any additional information recieved from the processor. May provide further insight into the `legacyCode`.

Verifone specific in-store reader information.
  • model: String
    Model name or number of reader.
  • osVersion: String
    Current OS version running on the reader.
  • serialNumber: String
    Vendor-specific device serial number.

Top-level output field from verifying a payment method.
  • clientMutationId: String
    An identifier used to reconcile requests and responses. 255 characters maximum.
  • verification: Verification
    The verification that was run on the payment method.

Details about the user and merchant authenticated in this request.
  • user: User
    Details about the authenticated user.
  • merchant: Merchant
    Details about the authenticated merchant.
  • rights: [Right!]
    Associated rights based on authentication.

Configuration for Visa Checkout.
  • apiKey: String
    The Visa Checkout API key.
  • encryptionKey: String
    The Visa Checkout encryption key.
  • externalClientId: String
    The Visa Checkout external client ID.
  • supportedCardBrands: [CreditCardBrandCode!]
    A list of card brands supported by the merchant for Visa Checkout.

Additional information about the payment method specific to Visa Checkout.
  • callId: String
    The Visa assigned identifier for the transaction.
  • bin: String
    The first 6 digits of the credit card, known as the Bank Identification Number. This BIN may differ from the BIN of the customer's actual card.

Accompanying information for a transaction that has been voided.
  • status: PaymentStatus
    The new status of the transaction.
  • timestamp: Timestamp
    Date and time when the transaction was voided.
  • amount: MonetaryAmount
    The amount of the voided transaction. This should match the authorization amount.
  • source: PaymentSource
    The source for the transaction change to the new status.
  • terminal: Boolean
    Whether or not this is the final state for the transaction.
  • userName: String
    User name of the person who performed an action that triggered the status change of the transaction.


A monetary amount, either a whole number or a number with exactly two or three decimal places.

Built-in Boolean

A three- or four-digit string CVV (card verification value), otherwise known as CSC or CVC.

An [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country code. Braintree only accepts [specific alpha-2 values]( Clients using a Braintree version prior to 2021-02-01 should use an [ISO 3166-1 alpha-3]( country code.

An [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( country code. Braintree only accepts [specific alpha-2 values](

A four-digit string.

A number that passes Luhn validation.

An [ISO 4217 alpha]( currency code. Braintree only accepts [specific alpha values](

A string representing a custom field value. Contains letters, numbers, and underscores.

A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

An [ISO 8601]( Duration that accepts Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

A card brand-specific two-digit string describing the mode of the transaction.

The internationalized email address.
Note: Up to 64 characters are allowed before and 255 characters are allowed after the @ sign. However, the generally accepted maximum length for an email address is 254 characters. The pattern verifies that an unquoted @ sign exists.
minLength: 3 maxLength: 254 pattern: ^.+@[^\"\\-].+$.

A value with more than one decimal place, representing an exchange rate between currencies. For example, `0.93014065558374`. minLength: 3 pattern: ^\\d+[.]\\d+$

Built-in Float

Built-in Int

The [language tag]( for the language in which to localize the error-related strings, such as messages, issues, and suggested actions. The tag is made up of the [ISO 639-2 language code](, the optional [ISO-15924 script tag](, and the [ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code]( maxLength: 10 minLength: 2 pattern: ^[a-z]{2}(?:-[A-Z][a-z]{3})?(?:-(?:[A-Z]{2}))?$

A two-digit, zero-padded month.

The percentage, as a fixed-point, signed decimal number. For example, define a 19.99% interest rate as `19.99`.

Built-in String

A 3D Secure CAVV algorithm. Possible Values: 2 - CVV with ATN, 3 - Mastercard SPA algorithm.

A raw 3D Secure PARes or VARes response code (e.g. 'Y').

A 3D Secure authentication version. Must be composed of digits separated by periods (e.g. '1.0.2').

An [ISO 8601]( timestamp with microsecond precision, in UTC.

A URL string pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9+-.]:\\/\\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{2,256}\\.?[a-z]{2,4}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*))?

An account number containing 1-17 digits.

A routing number containing 8 or 9 digits.

A US ZIP code. Supports DDDDD and DDDDD-DDDD formats.

A four-digit year.


A union of all possible in-store reader vendors.
Possible Types:

A union of all possible non [PCI-scoped]( cards read from an in-store reader.

A union of all possible relationships of transactions involved in partial captures. If the transaction has been partially captured, this links to all its partial capture children; if the transaction represents a partial capture attempt, this links to the original parent authorization.

A union of all possible payment method details. PaymentMethodDetails contain information for display purposes, payment method management, and processing.

A union of all possible payment method origin details. PaymentMethodOriginDetails contain additional information specific to the third party the payment method was provided by.

A union of all possible payment method details as they were used in a transaction or verification. PaymentMethodSnapshot preserves values used to create a given transaction or verify a payment method at that moment in time.

A union of all possible results of a transaction reversal. If the transaction is settled, a refund will be issued and a Refund object will be returned. Otherwise, the transaction will be voided and a Transaction object will be returned.
Possible Types:

A union of all possible verification details specific to the type of payment method being verified.